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Target Market

Cassidy James Blaede edited this page Oct 15, 2020 · 7 revisions

Notes and thoughts about the target market of elementary OS.


Why they're a good fit:

  • Web development is deployed to Linux, so having Linux under-the-hood is convenient
  • However, many developers don't want to learn/mess with "Linux" on their computer
  • Open source nature reflects the best of web development: if your tooling is open source, why not your OS, too?
  • Can contribute back to elementary OS to make it better for everyone

Potential marketing copy:


You don't have to know or care about Linux to use elementary OS—but if you're deploying there already, it's convenient to have under-the-hood. Get the underlying goodness of Linux without the pitfalls; Terminal is there if you want, but you never need to open it to get things done.

Modern developer tooling is open source, why not your OS, too? Contribute directly back to elementary OS to make it better for yourself—and everyone.

Family IT

Why they're a good fit:

  • More technical and thus comfortable installing an OS
  • Sick of managing Windows crashes, viruses, etc. for family members
  • Want a low-maintenance platform that's also easy for their less-technical family to use
  • Safe, curated selection of apps in AppCenter to keep things running smoothly
  • Non-admin user accounts, Flatpak, and (theoretically) parental controls mean it limits how much users can mess things up

Potential marketing copy:

Forget about IT

Focus on what matters instead of worrying about crashes, malware, and updates interrupting your day. Whether you're a professional developer just wanting to get to work or someone who has never used a computer before—or somewhere in between, elementary OS is low maintenance to stay out of your way.

Keep things running smoothly with a wide selection of safe, curated apps from AppCenter—and Use Screen Time & Limits to set the right boundaries for yourself or other users.

No-nonsense computer users?

Why they're a good fit:

  • Just want a working computer
  • Don't want to spend $$$$ to upgrade perfectly functional hardware
  • Software isn't running as well as it used to
  • Concerned about privacy?