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Pinebook Pro

Cassidy James Blaede edited this page May 21, 2021 · 11 revisions

⚠️ Disclaimer ⚠️

elementary OS images for Pinebook Pro are considered highly experimental. We have not committed to providing stable releases of these images at this time or in the future; for now, they will remain experimental and only officially offered via Early Access builds. Please read the known limitations below for these images for more information.

See the wiki sidebar (below on mobile) for instructions for downloading, installing, etc.

Known limitations

Kernel and bootloader upgrades

The kernels and bootloader (u-boot) in the elementary OS images for Pinebook Pro are not compiled and released by Ubuntu as they would be in a standard installation of elementary OS. They're also built into the image at build-time rather than installed as an upgradable .deb package.

This means:

  • The specific kernel (and its patches) has not been validated/tested for stability by Canonical
  • You will not receive updates to the kernel or bootloader through apt updates or any other means. This means any current or future known security vulnerabilities in either of these components will not be patched.

Current known Pinebook Pro specific issues

  • First-party Flatpak apps like Calculator, Camera, Mail, and Web are not pre-installed. We don't yet have ARM builds for Flatpak, so in the meantime, you can sudo apt install these apps from Terminal.
  • The webcam does not work with the Camera app. It works with other applications however, so this is an app issue, rather than a driver issue.
  • The speakers do not turn off when headphones are plugged in and sound plays out of both.
  • Night light does not work.

elementary OS 6.0 known issues

Due to the fact the Pinebook Pro images are based on the upcoming release of elementary OS 6.0. The same known issues will apply. See here for a current (but not complete) list: