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web.js 0.9

tempzc edited this page Dec 3, 2019 · 1 revision

Web3.js 0.9 changes

I would like to apply KISS principle to web3.js. I used the library recently much more and I realised that we are doing to many things implicitly. eg:

1, newFilter it should either get all logs or poll for new logs. It's shouldn't do both in the same time. In my story, I don't want to poll for filter changes, but I want to get all logs between block X and Y. Same as caktux here:

examples of new solution


var x = web3.eth.filter(...);		// sync: eth_newFilter (err, log) {		// async poll: eth_getFilterChanges


web3.eth.filter(..., function (err, x) { 	// async: eth_newFilter (err, log) { 			// async poll: eth_getFilterChanges



var x = web3.eth.filter(...)        		// sync: eth_newFilter
var logs = x.logs();						// sync: eth_getFilterLogs


var x = web3.eth.filter(...)        		// sync: eth_newFilter
var logs = x.logs(function (err, logs) {	// sync: eth_getFilterLogs

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