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tempzc edited this page Dec 3, 2019 · 1 revision



  • Storage is a key/value store where keys and values are both 32 bytes
  • Values on the stack are 32 bytes
  • Memory is a byte-array. Memory starts off zero-size, but can be expanded in 32-byte chunks by simply accessing or storing memory at indices greater than its current size.
  • The fee for expanding memory is determined via a subtract-the-integrals method. Specifically, TOTALFEE(SZ) = SZ * 3 + floor(SZ**2 / 512) is the total fee for expanding the memory to SZ 32-byte chunks (note: partially filled chunks are counted, so 33 bytes = 2 chunks), and if a particular operation expands memory from size x to y, the additional gas cost is TOTALFEE(y) - TOTALFEE(x)
  • If an operation writes a slice of data zero bytes wide to memory, even if the start index of the slice exceeds the current memory size, memory is NOT expanded.


  • If an externally-owned account sends a transaction, its nonce is incremented before execution
  • If an externally-owned account creates a contract, its nonce is incremented before execution. The contract's nonce starts at 1 and not 0
  • If a contract sends a message, no nonce increments happen
  • If a contract creates a contract, the following steps happen in the following order:
    • The new ("inner") contract's address is calculated as sha3(rlp.encode([outer_contract_address, outer_contract_nonce]))
    • The "outer" contract's nonce is incremented by 1
    • The inner contract's nonce is set to 1
    • The inner contract's code and storage are emptied
    • A call is made with the code being the init code (that's the memory slice provided by the CREATE opcode)
    • If the call returns an exception, all is reverted except for the outer contract's nonce increment
    • If the call returns 24000 or more bytes, this is considered an exception
    • If the call returns x < 24000 bytes, the outer call is charged x * 200 gas. If there is not enough gas then this is also considered an exception; if there is, then the creation succeeds and the inner contract's code is set to the return data of the call.

Exceptional conditions

  • The following count as exceptions:
    • Execution running out of gas
    • An operation trying to take more slots off the stack than are available on the stack, or put more than 1024 items onto the stack
    • Jumping to a bad jump destination
    • An invalid opcode (note: the code of an account is assumed to be followed by an infinite tail of STOP instructions, so the program counter "walking off" the end of the code is not an invalid opcode exception. However, jumping outside the code is an exception, because STOP is not a valid jump destination)
    • The REVERT opcode at 0xfd (starting from Metropolis; pre-Metropolis 0xfd is simply an invalid opcode)
  • If a transaction triggers an exception, then:
    • The value transfer from sender to recipient still sometimes takes place
    • The fee transfer from sender to miner still takes place
    • The entire STARTGAS is added to gas_used unless the exception is the result of a REVERT opcode
    • All other execution during the exception-causing message call (or contract creation) is reverted
    • When a transaction contains multiple message calls and contract creations, only some of them might be reverted.
  • If a contract-producing transaction triggers an exception, then:
    • The fee transfer from sender to miner still takes place
    • The endowment is subtracted from the sender's account
    • The account that would have been created gets created anyway, keeps its original endowment, but has the empty string as its code
    • The entire STARTGAS is added to gas_used unless the exception is the result of a REVERT opcode
    • All other execution is reverted
  • If a CALL operation's sub-execution triggers an exception, then:
    • Ether value is still sent
    • All gas is consumed unless the exception is the result of a REVERT opcode
    • 0 is appended onto the stack
    • All other execution is reverted
  • If a CREATE operation's sub-execution triggers an exception, then:
    • Ether value is lost
    • All gas is consumed unless the exception is the result of a REVERT opcode
    • All other execution is reverted
    • The current implementations add 0 onto the stack, but it does not matter, since with 0 gas remaining the parent execution will instaquit anyway
  • If a contract tries to CALL or CREATE a contract with insufficient balance, the sub-execution and transfer do not occur at all, no gas gets consumed, and 0 is added to the stack.
  • A CALL or CREATE can consume at most 63/64 of the gas remaining at the time the CALL is made; if a CALL asks for more than this prescribed maximum, then the inner call will only have the prescribed maximum gas regardless of how much gas was asked for.


  • All arithmetic is modulo 2256. For division, modulo and comparison, both signed and unsigned operators exist (eg. (0 - 27) / 3 returns -9 if SDIV is used, but 38597363079105398474523661669562635951089994888546854679819194669304376546636 if DIV is used.
  • Truncation and modulo operations with negative operators in the SDIV/SMOD case are handled as in Python (eg. , )
  • DIV, SDIV, MOD and SMOD with dividend (second argument) equal to 0 push 0 to the stack.

Other operations

  • The CREATE opcode takes three values: value (ie. initial amount of ether), memory start and memory length, and pushes onto the stack the address of the new contract. CREATE gives the initializing sub-execution all the gas that you have (and if gas remains then it gets refunded back to the parent execution)
  • The CALL opcode takes seven values: gas, recipient, ether value, memory location of start of input data, length of input data, memory location to put start of output data, length of output data. It puts onto the stack either 1 for success (ie. did not run out of gas) or 0 for failure.
  • When a contract calls SELFDESTRUCT, its ether is immediately sent to the desired address, but the contract continues existing until the end of transaction execution. Note that this leads to the interesting effect that, unlike Bitcoin where funds can be locked away forever but never destroyed, if a contract either SELFDESTRUCTs into itself or receives ether in the context of the same transaction execution after it has SELFDESTRUCTed that ether is actually destroyed.
  • If contract A calls contract B calls contract A, then the inner execution of A will have its own, fresh, memory, stack and PC, but it will modify and read the same balance and storage.
  • If contract initialization returns an empty array, then no contract will be created. This allows you to "abuse" contract initialization as an atomic multi-operation, which might be useful in some protocols where you want to do multiple things but you don't want some of them to be able to process without others.
  • JUMP and JUMPI instructions are only allowed to jump onto destinations that are (1) occupied by a JUMPDEST opcode, and (2) are not inside PUSH data. Note that properly processing these conditions requires preprocessing the code; a particularly pathological use case is PUSH2 JUMPDEST PUSH1 PUSH2 JUMPDEST PUSH1 PUSH2 JUMPDEST PUSH1 ..., as this code has all JUMPDESTs invalid but an alternative piece of code equivalent to this but only with the leading PUSH2 replaced with another op (eg. BALANCE) will have all JUMPDESTSs valid.
  • CALL has a multi-part gas cost:
    • 700 base
    • 9000 additional if the value is nonzero
    • 25000 additional if the destination account does not yet exist (note: there is a difference between zero-balance and nonexistent!)
  • CALLCODE operates similarly to call, except without the potential for a 25000 gas surcharge.
  • The child message of a nonzero-value CALL operation (NOT the top-level message arising from a transaction!) gains an additional 2300 gas on top of the gas supplied by the calling account; this stipend can be considered to be paid out of the 9000 mandatory additional fee for nonzero-value calls. This ensures that a call recipient will always have enough gas to log that it received funds.
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