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Enhance teams documentation
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uhurusurfa committed Oct 16, 2023
2 parents 658d2b9 + 9eb71f5 commit bd80384
Showing 1 changed file with 24 additions and 2 deletions.
26 changes: 24 additions & 2 deletions docs/teams.rst
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,16 +1,38 @@
Working with teams and larger organizations

Helpdesk supports team based assignment of tickets. By default, the teams functionality is enabled and the default implementation uses the Pinax teams app.

If you only have one or two people working on tickets, basic Queue setup is enough to get you going. You can now assign tickets to teams for better ticket filtering, reducing noise and improving organization efficiency.

If you are embedding the helpdesk app into your own apps, it is possible that the pinax-teams app used to support the default team based functionality will interfere with other packages that you already use in your project and you will need to disable it.

How It Works
Rather than assigning tickets to teams directly, django-helpdesk allows you assign tickets to knowledge-base items and then assign knowledge base items to teams.

Knowledge-base items can be in either public or private knowledge-base categories, so this organizational structure need not have any influence on the external appearance of your public helpdesk web portal.

You can visit the 'Pinax Teams' page in your django admin in order to create a team and add team members.
If using the default teams implementation, you can visit the 'Pinax Teams' page in your django admin in order to create a team and add team members.

You can assign a knowledge-base item to a team on the Helpdesk admin page.

Once you have set up teams. Unassigned tickets which are associated with a knowledge-base item will only be shown on the dashboard to those users who are members of the team which is associated with that knowledge-base item.

Note: It is possible that pinax-teams will interfere with other packages that you already use in your project. If you do not wish to use team functionality, you can disable teams by setting the following settings: ``HELPDESK_TEAMS_MODEL`` to any random model, ``HELPDESK_TEAMS_MIGRATION_DEPENDENCIES`` to ``[]``, and ``HELPDESK_KBITEM_TEAM_GETTER`` to ``lambda _: None``. You can also use a different library in place of pinax teams by setting those settings appropriately. ``HELPDESK_KBITEM_TEAM_GETTER`` should take a ``kbitem`` and return a team object with a ``name`` property and a method ``is_member(self, user)`` which returns true if user is a member of the team.

Implementing Custom Teams Functionality
If you want to use a different team app or implement your own team based app, you can hook it into Helpdesk using the following 3 settings:
``HELPDESK_TEAMS_MODEL``: point this to the model that defines a team in your custom implementation
``HELPDESK_TEAMS_MIGRATION_DEPENDENCIES``: set this to an array of migration(s) that are required to have run that will ensure the link that will be added as defined in the HELPDESK_TEAMS_MODEL will be available as a model to Helpdesk
``HELPDESK_KBITEM_TEAM_GETTER``: the method that will be called that must return a list of users who belong to a given team

Disabling Teams Functionality
If you do not wish to use team functionality, you can disable teams by setting the following settings:


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