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PEM Rare-Event Sampling in CARLA

Code for paper: Testing Rare Downstream Safety Violations via Upstream Adaptive Sampling of Perception Error Models.

This code base runs a cross-entropy-based adaptive importance sampling algorithm for an automated braking scenario. In this scenario, the ego vehicle is following another vehicle on a straight road, until the car in front brakes at a red light. The ego vehicle must brake to avoid crashing. The ego vehicle uses a Perception Error Model as a surrogate for a YOLO-based obstacle detector trained on the KITTI dataset. The safety specification for avoiding a crash is written in signal temporal logic:

$$\square_{[0, T]} \left( \lVert C_{ego}.pos - C_{other}.pos \rVert \geq 2 \right)$$



  • Install and run the CARLA simulator. Instructions here
  • Install python package pre-requisites using python -m pip install -r requirements.txt

Pre-trained models

A pre-trained version of the Perception Error Model used for the automated braking experiments (listed as ML-NN in the paper). Can be found under models/det_baseline_full/pem_class_train_full, and can be used as the pem argument in the experiment runner scripts.

If you want to train the PEMs from scratch, you will first need a YOLO Obstacle Detector trained on the KITTI dataset. For example, a pre-trained py-torch version can be found here.

For the alternative baseline PEMs found in the paper, the logistic-regression PEM (LR) was trained using sci-kit-learn, and the Bayesian Neural Network (B-NN) was trained using pyro.

How to Run

Running Simulations

To run the adaptive importance sampling experiment for the automated braking scenario from the paper, run the command: <config-path>

Where config-path is a file path to one of the experiment configuration files (e.g., configs/classic.yaml).

Configuration Parameters

Within a given .yaml configuration file, you can set the following configuration parameters:

  • exp_name: Name given to experiment. Simulation rollout logs will be saved to


Learned proposal samplers will be saved to

  • render: True/False flag of whether to render simulations or not.
  • repetitions: Number of times to repeat the same experiment (used for getting averaged statistics)
  • cem_stages: The number of adaptive simulation stages to run in cross-entropy importance sampling. Corresponds to the $K$ parameter in paper.
  • episodes: The number of simulation rollouts sampled per adaptive stage. Corresponds to $N_{\kappa}$ parameter in paper.
  • timesteps: Time steps per simulation episode. Parameter $T$ in paper.
  • vel_burn_in_time: Number of time steps at start of simulation which are not recorded as part of trajectory. Useful for getting cars up to speed before tracking.
  • pem_path: Path to pre-trained perception error model
  • safety_func: STL Robustness metric used for evaluation. Choices are ["classic", "agm", "smooth_cumulative"]

If run with --render flag, you should see the following:

Server window

Automated Braking Simulation

On-board camera output

Camera Output

Analysing Data

Summary metrics

To chart the number of failures, and average negative log-likelihood of a given set of simulation rollouts, run: [<experiment-folder-paths>]

Where experiment-folder-paths are the paths to the top level simulation data folders you are interested in comparing. For example sim_data/STL_Classic/<timestamp>.

Visualizing the proposal

To see a plot of a given proposal distribution, run: <cem-model-path>

This charts the current distance from the car in front to the detection rate the proposal model gives for states with that distance.


Rare Event Sampling for Safety Verification within the CARLA simulator







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