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Douglas Tarr edited this page May 15, 2017 · 12 revisions


    require 'couchrest'
    @db = CouchRest.database("")

CouchRest.database! creates the database if it doesn't already exist:

    @db = CouchRest.database!("")

If you require authentication, include the credentials in the URL as follows:

    @db = CouchRest.database("http://user:password@")

Creating, Saving, and Fetching Documents

    # create
    response = @db.save_doc({:key => 'value', 'another key' => 'another value'})
    # => {"ok"=>true, "id"=>"e0d70033da0fad3707fed320bd5e5de2", "rev"=>"1-cbb61d1f90f7c01b273737702265b6c8"}
    # fetch by id
    doc = @db.get(response['id'])
    # => #<CouchRest::Document _id: "e0d70033da0fad3707fed320bd5e5de2", _rev: "1-cbb61d1f90f7c01b273737702265b6c8", key: "value", another key: "another value">
    # update
    doc["boogie"] = true
    # => {"ok"=>true, "id"=>"e0d70033da0fad3707fed320bd5e5de2", "rev"=>"2-3b067cc9f01fdf25814445088403382c"}
    # => "2-3b067cc9f01fdf25814445088403382c" <- notice it modified the doc _rev


Saving / Fetching Attachments

    contents = "<html><body>If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands.</body></html>"
    @db.put_attachment(doc, "happy.html", contents, :content_type => "text/html")
    # => {"ok"=>true, "id"=>"e0d70033da0fad3707fed320bd7e0770", "rev"=>"2-20635570c75e8b20f7a73fd1538f318d"}
    # NOTE: The document is not updated automatically with the attachment information
    pp doc.to_hash
    # {"_id"=>"e0d70033da0fad3707fed320bd7e0770",
    #  "_rev"=>"1-cbb61d1f90f7c01b273737702265b6c8",
    #  "key"=>"value",
    #  "another key"=>"another value"}
    # If you try to fetch the attachment without getting the new state of the document, you will fail
    @db.fetch_attachment(doc, "happy.html")
    # => RestClient::ResourceNotFound: 404 Resource Not Found: {"error":"not_found","reason":"Document is missing attachment"}
    doc = @db.get(doc["_id"])
    pp doc.to_hash
    # {"_id"=>"e0d70033da0fad3707fed320bd7e0770",
    #  "_rev"=>"2-20635570c75e8b20f7a73fd1538f318d",
    #  "key"=>"value",
    #  "another key"=>"another value",
    #  "_attachments"=>
    #   {"happy.html"=>
    #     {"content_type"=>"text/html",
    #      "revpos"=>2,
    #      "digest"=>"md5-q3MreM1aJgfSLHGrJLdg4g==",
    #      "length"=>75,
    #      "stub"=>true}}}
    @db.fetch_attachment(doc, "happy.html")
    => "<html><body>If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands.</body></html>"

Deleting attachments

Option 1: Simply remove the metadata from the doc and save

    doc["_attachments"].delete("happy.html") # note, this is just using Hash#delete
    # => {"content_type"=>"text/html", "revpos"=>4, "digest"=>"md5-q3MreM1aJgfSLHGrJLdg4g==", "length"=>75, "stub"=>true}
    # => {"content_type"=>"text/html", "revpos"=>4, "digest"=>"md5-q3MreM1aJgfSLHGrJLdg4g==", "length"=>75, "stub"=>true}
    pp doc.to_hash
    # {"_id"=>"e0d70033da0fad3707fed320bd7dfbac",
    #  "_rev"=>"3-89acbafa837098c131e6ac04026b4a1b",
    #  "key"=>"value",
    #  "another key"=>"another value",
    #  "_attachments"=>{}}

Option 2: Use the delete_attachment method

    @db.delete_attachment(doc, "happy.html")
    # => {"ok"=>true, "id"=>"e0d70033da0fad3707fed320bd7df13c", "rev"=>"3-d81116a00196640df650e77c42459969"}

Manipulating a CouchRest::Document Helper Methods


    # => "{\"_id\":\"e0d70033da0fad3707fed320bd5e5de2\",\"_rev\":\"1-cbb61d1f90f7c01b273737702265b6c8\",\"key\":\"value\",\"another key\":\"another value\"}"


    pp doc.to_hash
    # {"_id"=>"e0d70033da0fad3707fed320bd5e5de2",
    #  "_rev"=>"1-cbb61d1f90f7c01b273737702265b6c8",
    #  "key"=>"value",
    #  "another key"=>"another value"}


    # => "1-cbb61d1f90f7c01b273737702265b6c8"
    doc["another key"] = "boogie"
    # => true
    # The _rev is automatically updated
    # => "2-3b067cc9f01fdf25814445088403382c"

Bulk Save:

    pp @db.bulk_save([
      {"wild" => "and random"},
      {"mild" => "yet local"},
      {"another" => ["set","of","keys"]}
    # [{"id"=>"e0d70033da0fad3707fed320bd5e5b5e",
    #   "rev"=>"1-ba668e67fa88ff8c39bb26f0023f5006"},
    #  {"id"=>"e0d70033da0fad3707fed320bd5e51fa",
    #   "rev"=>"1-8b763b91759b1db7cd9683eb5290b6a9"},
    #  {"id"=>"e0d70033da0fad3707fed320bd5e4a72",
    #   "rev"=>"1-9357f0bc3307f4e1391b82b263be637c"}]

Creating and Querying Views:

      "_id" => "_design/first", 
      :views => {
        :test => {
          :map => "function(doc){for(var w in doc){ if(!w.match(/^_/))emit(w,doc[w])}}"
    puts @db.view('first/test')['rows'].inspect 



Note: You must be authenticated as an admin to create design documents.