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weppos edited this page Oct 13, 2010 · 1 revision


CouchRest::ExtendedDocument is a DSL/ORM for CouchDB. Basically, ExtendedDocument seats on top of CouchRest Core to add the concept of Model.
ExtendedDocument offers a lot of the usual ORM tools such as optional yet defined schema, validation, callbacks, pagination, casting and much more.

Model example

Check spec/couchrest/more and spec/fixtures/more for more examples

    class Article < CouchRest::ExtendedDocument
      use_database DB
      unique_id :slug

      view_by :date, :descending => true
      view_by :user_id, :date

      view_by :tags,
        :map => 
          "function(doc) {
            if (doc['couchrest-type'] == 'Article' && doc.tags) {
                emit(tag, 1);
        :reduce => 
          "function(keys, values, rereduce) {
            return sum(values);

      property :date
      property :slug, :read_only => true
      property :title
      property :tags, :cast_as => ['String']


      set_callback :save, :before, :generate_slug_from_title

      def generate_slug_from_title
        self['slug'] = title.downcase.gsub(/[^a-z0-9]/,'-').squeeze('-').gsub(/^\-|\-$/,'') if new?


“CouchRest::ExtendedDocuments” instances have 4 callbacks already defined for you: “:validate”, “:create”, “:save”, “:update” and “:destroy”
“CouchRest::CastedModel” instances have 1 callback already defined for you: “:validate”

Define your callback as follows:

    set_callback :save, :before, :generate_slug_from_name

CouchRest uses a mixin you can find in lib/mixins/callbacks which is extracted from Rails 3, here are some simple usage examples:

    set_callback :save, :before, :before_method
    set_callback :save, :after,  :after_method, :if => :condition
    set_callback :save, :around {|r| stuff; yield; stuff }
Or the aliased short version:
    before_save :before_method, :another_method
    after_save  :after_method, :another_method, :if => :condition
    around_save {|r| stuff; yield; stuff }

To halt the callback, simply return a :halt symbol in your callback method.

Check the mixin or the ExtendedDocument class to see how to implement your own callbacks.


    property :last_name,        :alias     => :family_name
    property :read_only_value,  :read_only => true
    property :name,             :length    => 4...20
    property :price,            :type      => Integer

Attribute protection from mass assignment to CouchRest properties. There are two modes of protection:

  1. Declare accessible properties, assume all the rest are protected
    property :name, :accessible => true
    property :admin # this will be automatically protected
  1. Declare protected properties, assume all the rest are accessible
    property :name # this will not be protected
    property :admin, :protected => true

Note: you cannot set both flags in a single class


Often, you will want to store multiple objects within a document, to be able to retrieve your objects when you load the document,
you can define some casting rules.

    property :casted_attribute, :cast_as => 'WithCastedModelMixin'
    property :keywords,         :cast_as => ["String"]
    property :occurs_at,        :cast_as => 'Time', :init_method => 'parse
    property :end_date,         :cast_as => 'Date', :init_method => 'parse

If you want to cast an array of instances from a specific Class, use the trick shown above [“ClassName”]


Pagination is available in any ExtendedDocument classes. Here are some usage examples:

basic usage:

    Article.all.paginate(:page => 1, :per_page => 5)

note: the above query will look like: `GET /db/design/Article/_view/all?includedocs=true&skip=0&limit=5&reduce=false` and only fetch 5 documents.

Slightly more advance usage:

    Article.by_name(:startkey => 'a', :endkey => {}).paginate(:page => 1, :per_page => 5)

note: the above query will look like: `GET /db/design/Article/view/byname?startkey=%22a%22&limit=5&skip=0&endkey=%7B%7D&includedocs=true`
Basically, you can paginate through the articles starting by the letter a, 5 articles at a time.

Low level usage:

    Article.paginate(:design_doc => 'Article', :view_name => 'by_date',
      :per_page => 3, :page => 2, :descending => true, :key =>, :include_docs => true)