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Milestone Plans

James Drummond edited this page Jan 13, 2017 · 8 revisions

For past milestones, see the Changelog.

As part of our 6-9 month roadmap, we are restructuring the underlying workspace model to support workspaces with multiple machines, dynamically deployed agents to make base images lighter, virtual file system so editors and IDEs can be notified of changes made by other clients, a new Chefile capability which provides a Vagrant-style workflow for Eclipse Che workspaces (which are 100% compatible with Codenvy), and consolidated support for an underlying database model.

##5.0.1 (latest) Milestone Details:

Note: Hot bug fix release.

Primary Goals

  • Hot bug fixes.

Milestone Details:

Note: This is a GA milestone in the new 5.0 stream. There are model changes in Che 5 that make the milestone builds incompatible with the workspaces of 4.x - see the Milestone Details for more information.

Primary Goals

  • GA ready.

##5.0.0-M9 Milestone Details:

Note: This is a pre-GA milestone in the new 5.0 stream. There are model changes in Che 5 that make the milestone builds incompatible with the workspaces of 4.x - see the Milestone Details for more information.

##5.0.0-M8 Milestone Details: #1329

Note: This is a pre-GA milestone in the new 5.0 stream. There are model changes in Che 5 that make the milestone builds incompatible with the workspaces of 4.x - see the Milestone Details for more information.

Primary Goals

  • Bug fixes and cleanup

##5.0.0-M7 Milestone Details: #1055

Note: This is a pre-GA milestone in the new 5.0 stream. There are model changes in Che 5 that make the milestone builds incompatible with the workspaces of 4.x - see the Milestone Details for more information.

Primary Goals

  • Bug fixes and cleanup

##5.0.0-M6 Milestone Details: #947

Note: This is a pre-GA milestone in the new 5.0 stream. There are model changes in Che 5 that make the milestone builds incompatible with the workspaces of 4.x - see the Milestone Details for more information.

Primary Goals

  • Bug fixes and cleanup

##5.0.0-M5 Milestone Details: #889

Note: This is a pre-GA milestone in the new 5.0 stream. There are model changes in Che 5 that make the milestone builds incompatible with the workspaces of 4.x - see the Milestone Details for more information.

Primary Goals

  • Per user overrides for all resource limits
  • Added API for organizations
  • Added Account API
  • Resources management API

##5.0.0-M4 Milestone Details: #888

Note: This is a pre-GA milestone in the new 5.0 stream. There are model changes in Che 5 that make the milestone builds incompatible with the workspaces of 4.x - see the Milestone Details for more information.

Primary Goals

  • Bug fixes and cleanup.

##5.0.0-M3 Milestone Details: #780

Note: This is a pre-GA milestone in the new 5.0 stream. There are model changes in Che 5 that make the milestone builds incompatible with the workspaces of 4.x - see the Milestone Details for more information.

Primary Goals

  • Adding migration tools.

##5.0.0-M2 Milestone Details: TBD

Note: This is a pre-GA milestone in the new 5.0 stream. There are model changes in Che 5 that make the milestone builds incompatible with the workspaces of 4.x - see the Milestone Details for more information.

Primary Goals

  • New file system watcher / VFS
  • Eclipse Orion 12 editor upgrade

##5.0.0-M1 _Milestone Details: #644

Note: This is a pre-GA milestone in the new 5.0 stream. There are model changes in Che 5 that make the milestone builds incompatible with the workspaces of 4.x - see the Milestone Details for more information.

Primary Goals

  • Multi-machine workspaces with YAML syntax
  • Workspace agents to allow any Docker image to work in Che without additional syntax
  • Gitlab integration
  • Che launcher profiles to simplify managing multiple Che configurations on the same machine

##4.7.1 Milestone Details:

Primary Goals

  • Add Bitnami Express 4.13.4 stack and blank project for use with express-generator #2301
  • Bug fixes

##4.7.0 Milestone Details:

Primary Goals

  • Configuration for using Docker and Docker Compose inside Che workspaces
  • Che CLI with profiles to quickly run multiple Che configurations
  • New command macros

##4.6.0 Milestone Details: TBD

Primary Goals

  • New docker image launcher for Che
  • New lighter image for Che based upon alpine
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