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Yannick Warnier edited this page Sep 17, 2018 · 2 revisions

Visibility of tools' content inside base courses and sessions

The sessions tool is a complex and powerful tool that lets you easily re-use a same course more than once at the same time with different students groups.

In order to clarify the concept of session, we have divided the course tools into 3 categories, which represents how the tool itself deals with sessions in comparison with the original course (basis). The basis in the following description means the course itself and its resources, outside of any session context. For example, you might have defined a document in the course that will be visible inside all sessions of this course.

The following description explains how resources will be seen inside a session context. If outside a session, what has been defined inside the session is never visible.

  • Prioritized means that the tool is showing the resources in the basis, unless one or more elements are re-defined inside a session context. In this case, the resource re-defined inside the session context takes priority.
  • Session only means that the only visible resources, when we are in a session, are the ones defined inside the session. Resources defined in the basis are not visible.
  • Course and session means that resources defined both inside and outside the session are visible. In certain tools (like documents and learning paths), the session coach might decide to manually hide one of the resources from the basis.
  • Course only means this can only be defined in the base course and not in the session.

Tools that are marked as Basis & Session are only editable through the basis course by default. In order to enable the course coach (inside session context) to edit/add/hide/delete resources there, you need to enable the "Training/Course" admin option that says "Allow course coaches to edit courses inside sessions".

Tool Prioritized Session only Course & session Course only
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