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Quiz features dictionary v1

Yannick Warnier edited this page Jul 27, 2021 · 4 revisions

This is a non-exhaustive dictionary of features that can (easily or not) be enabled in the exercises tool of Chamilo, making it an advanced evaluation platform for professionals.


| Effect | Allows you to set a limit of a number of questions students in general can answer per day | | Activation method | In any course settings page, search for the "Limit of questions per day" setting |


| Effect | Report automatically the current learning path and quiz (if any) when opening a new ticket | | Activation method | In configuration.php, search for the 'ticket_lp_quiz_info_add' setting and apply the corresponding database changes |


| Effect | Send only quiz answer notifications to course coaches and not general coach | | Activation method | In configuration.php, search for the 'block_quiz_mail_notification_general_coach' |


| Effect | Show question feedback | | Activation method | In configuration.php, search for the 'allow_quiz_question_feedback' setting and apply the corresponding database change |


| Effect | Add option in exercise to show or hide the "previous" button | | Activation method | In configuration.php, search for the 'allow_quiz_show_previous_button_setting' setting and apply the corresponding database change |


| Effect | Allow to teachers review exercises question with audio notes | | Activation method | In configuration.php, search for the 'allow_teacher_comment_audio' setting |


| Effect | Block copy/paste/save/print keys and right-clicks in exercises | | Activation method | In configuration.php, search for the 'quiz_prevent_copy_paste' setting |


| Effect | Always show the test description on the results page of the test | | Activation method | In configuration.php, search for the 'quiz_show_description_on_results_page' setting |


| Effect | Allow for the addition of special actions (as links) in exercises list for teachers. | | Activation method | In configuration.php, search for the 'exercise_additional_teacher_modify_actions' setting and search the code for the same term to get the very special requirements for this. Works like a hook mechanism. |


| Effect | Automatically generates a certificate when ending a quiz. The quiz needs to be linked to a gradebook category and have set the pass percentage. | | Activation method | In configuration.php, search for the 'quiz_generate_certificate_ending' setting, and link every quiz you need with a gradebook category, and set a pass percentage in the quiz (or gradebook?) |


| Effect | Allows the teacher to rate the open, oral expression and annotation question types with a decimal score. | | Activation method | In configuration.php, search for the 'quiz_open_question_decimal_score' setting|


| Effect | Add answer-saving procedure check before starting the quiz. | | Activation method | In configuration.php, search for the 'quiz_check_button_enable' setting |


| Effect | Adds a checkbox to allow users to confirm the number of answers saved in quiz attempt. | | Activation method | Edit the src/Chamilo/CoreBundle/Entity/TrackEExerciseConfirmation.php file adding the "@" in the ORM phpdoc block; Apply the database change documented in configuration.php and enable the 'quiz_confirm_saved_answers' setting. |


| Effect | Allows reuse of questions between courses. | | Activation method | In configuration.php, search for the 'quiz_question_allow_inter_course_linking' setting |


| Effect | Allows sending email notifications per exercise | | Activation method | In configuration.php, search for the 'allow_notification_setting_per_exercise' setting and apply database change.|


| Effect | Hides free/oral/annotation question results | | Activation method | In configuration.php, search for the 'hide_free_question_score' setting|


| Effect | Hides user information in the quiz results page | | Activation method | In configuration.php, search for the 'hide_user_info_in_quiz_result' setting |


| Effect | Shows the username field in exercise results report | | Activation method | In configuration.php, search for the 'exercise_attempts_report_show_username' setting |


| Effect | Allows exercises to "auto launch" (load as primary activity upon clicking the course icon) | | Activation method | In configuration.php, search for the 'allow_exercise_auto_launch' setting and apply the database change |


| Effect | Allow exercises to have categories (vs question categories, which are already in the default features) | | Activation method | In configuration.php, search for the 'allow_exercise_categories' setting and apply the database changes |


| Effect | Allow extra settings for the quiz results page. | | Activation method | In configuration.php, search for the 'allow_quiz_results_page_config' setting and apply the database change. |


| Effect | Allows you to show or hide the numbering of the question in the exercises | | Activation method | In configuration.php, search for the 'quiz_hide_question_number' setting and apply the database change. |


| Effect | Allows multiple options for the exercise "save answer" option | | Activation method | In configuration.php, search for the 'allow_quiz_save_correct_options' setting and apply the database change |


| Effect | Allows users to zoom in description images of questions | | Activation method | In configuration.php, search for the 'quiz_image_zoom' setting (several options documented) |


| Effect | Prevent going back to previous questions | | Activation method | In configuration.php, search for the 'quiz_prevent_backwards_move' setting and apply the database change |


| Effect | Enables recording of all answers (even temporary) in the track_e_attempt_recording table | | Activation method | In configuration.php, search for the 'quiz_answer_extra_recording' setting and apply the database change. Note that this feature is known to cause conflict with corrections of answers by the teachers (icon disappearing). Use with caution. |


| Effect | Shows a link on the results page to download an answers report | | Activation method | In configuration.php, search for the 'quiz_results_answers_report' setting |


| Effect | Makes mandatory questions possible when using question selection/sorting type 5 (by category-random) | | Activation method | In configuration.php, search for the 'allow_mandatory_question_in_category' setting and apply the database change. |


| Effect | Shows a popup with the list of answered/unanswered questions before sending a test. | | Activation method | In configuration.php, search for the 'quiz_check_all_answers_before_end_test' setting |

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