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Extra fields dictionary v1

Yannick Warnier edited this page Jul 7, 2021 · 30 revisions

This page provides a dictionary of the available extra fields usable in Chamilo 1.*.

Extra fields are a feature of Chamilo that allows the Chamilo administrator to extend the data stored with some of the important resources of Chamilo (users, courses, learning paths, quizzes, etc). You can find a list of all resources that have extra fields enabled by going to your Administration page -> Platform -> Extra fields.

The intention is for this page to be exhaustive, but please note:

  • that they are only all available in the latest of the v1.* versions
  • that they sometimes require the activation of a plugin to provide any useful feature/behaviour
  • that they might disappear or be abandonned over time
  • that they might get integrated into more "solid" table in later major versions (this is why this is a list for v1.* only)
Field's internal name Related resource Purpose Related feature/page/plugin
isFromNewLogin user ..
authenticationDate user ..
successfulAuthenticationHandlers user ..
created_by user ..
credentialType user ..
uid user ..
authenticationMethod user ..
longTermAuthenticationRequestTokenUsed user ..
office_address course ..
office_phone_extension course ..
birthday user Stores the birthdate of a user
ConsideredWorkingTime work/student_publication Stores the amount of hours a user is considered to have worked on an assignment
acquisition learning path view Adds a column "Acquisition" in student LPs table to display info about a learning path's acquisition of knowledge/understanding by the student
invisible learning path view Prepend a column in student LPs table to display a checkbox to select the LP category and its LPs
is_mandatory survey Allows the teacher to indicate if a survey is mandatory or not for the course (will lock the course if mandatory and not completed yet)
attachment scheduled announcements ..
send_to_coaches scheduled announcements ..
skype user Stores the Skype username for each user
rssfeeds user Allows the user to attach an RSS feed to his/her profile
tags portfolio Let users mark their contribution for later categorization
session_courses_read_only_mode course Allowing setting courses in session in read-only mode
gdpr user Whether the user accepted the privacy terms
my_terms user The version of the terms and conditions the users saw
new_tracking_system course ..
new_tracking_system session ..
collapsed session Prevents users to see the full details of the session until extended
language forum category/forum post ..
terms_villedustage user specific implementation related to $_configuration['allow_social_map_fields']
terms_ville user specific implementation related to $_configuration['allow_social_map_fields']
notification_event user Shows notification events
use_score_as_progress learning path Adds the possibility for learning paths in SCORM to update progress by receiving a score data. This is useful for mono-SCO elements
popular_courses course Allows (with the enabling of $_configuration['popular_courses_handpicked']) the admin to pick the courses that are popular, rather than using the community votes
notifications quiz Sends a notification to each user with their results when finishing a test (requires $_configuration['exercise_finished_notification_settings'])
block_category quiz question Requires enabling $_configuration['block_category_questions']. Will prevent usage of the question categories in tests
time quiz question Requires enabling $_configuration['allow_time_per_question'] to enable limiting the time per question in a test (rather than time per test)
ask_new_password user checkbox Requires enabling $_configuration['force_renew_password_at_first_login'] to force the user to change his/her password when they first login. This is great for added security when pre-provisioning user accounts
to be continued... ..


In app/config/configuration.php (or if you are upgrading from an older Chamilo, in main/install/configuration.dist.php for the template), you may find a series of settings that are dependent on arbitrary named extra fields, or that apply to all extra fields of a particular type of resource. These sometimes require to be combined with database changes to be enabled (if so, those changes are documented in configuration.php):

// Allow to show users in a map, users need to have a coordinates extra field BT#15176
//$_configuration['allow_social_map_fields'] = ['fields' => ['terms_villedustage', 'terms_ville']];

// Allow add one column by each user extra field indicated to the Gradebook Flatview for each user.
// $_configuration['gradebook_flatview_extrafields_columns'] = ['variables' => []];

// In Scorm comunication use a specific extra field instead of the user_id
//$_configuration['scorm_api_extrafield_to_use_as_student_id'] = '';

// Search user by extra field in the user list.
//$_configuration['user_search_on_extra_fields'] = ['extra_fields' => ['variable1', 'variable2']];

// Course catalog show extra fields (visible and filtered)
//$_configuration['allow_course_extra_field_in_catalog'] = false;

$_configuration['course_catalog_settings'] = [
    'link_settings' => [
        'info_url' => 'course_description_popup', // course description popup page
        'title_url' => 'course_home', // Course home URL
        'image_url' => 'course_about', // Course about URL
    'redirect_after_subscription' => 'course_home', // or 'course_catalog' to stay in the page
    'extra_fields_in_search_form' => ['variable1', 'variable2'],
    'extra_fields_in_course_block' => ['variable3', 'variable4'],
    'standard_sort_options' => [
        //  1 means allow sorting in ascending order
        // -1 means allow sorting in descending order
        'title' => 1,
        'creation_date' => -1,
        'count_users' => -1, // subscription count
        'point_info/point_average' => -1, // average score
        'point_info/total_score' => -1, // score sum
        'point_info/users' => -1, // vote count
    'extra_field_sort_options' => [
        'variable5' => -1,
        'variable6' => 1,

// Page "My Courses" shows specific course extra fields (CourseManager::getExtraFieldsToBePresented)
/*$_configuration['my_course_course_extrafields_to_be_presented'] = [
    'fields' => ['mots_cles', 'duree_en_min', 'format'],

// After a user updates his profile, send notifications.
/*$_configuration['user_notification_settings'] = [
    'notification1' => [ // Notification label
        'email' => ',', // multiple emails allowed
        'sender_email' => '',
        //'if_extra_field_changes' => ['variable1', 'variable2'],
        'if_field_changes' => ['phone', 'email'],
        'subject' => 'User profile update',
        'content' => '/mail/user_profile_update.dist.tpl',

// Block question categories BT#17789
//ALTER TABLE track_e_exercises ADD COLUMN blocked_categories LONGTEXT;
// Requires an exercise extra field "block_category" type checkbox (Yes)
//$_configuration['block_category_questions'] = false;

// Allow time per question. BT#17791
// Requires a question text extra field called "time", value in seconds.
// ALTER TABLE track_e_attempt ADD COLUMN seconds_spent INT;
//$_configuration['allow_time_per_question'] = true;
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