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Extra fields dictionary v1

Yannick Warnier edited this page Jul 7, 2021 · 30 revisions

This page provides a dictionary of the available extra fields usable in Chamilo 1.*.

Extra fields are a feature of Chamilo that allows the Chamilo administrator to extend the data stored with some of the important resources of Chamilo (users, courses, learning paths, quizzes, etc). You can find a list of all resources that have extra fields enabled by going to your Administration page -> Platform -> Extra fields.

The intention is for this page to be exhaustive, but please note:

  • that they are only all available in the latest of the v1.* versions
  • that they sometimes require the activation of a plugin to provide any useful feature/behaviour
  • that they might disappear or be abandonned over time
  • that they might get integrated into more "solid" table in later major versions (this is why this is a list for v1.* only)
Internal name Related resource Purpose Related feature/page/plugin
isFromNewLogin user .. CAS authentication
authenticationDate user .. CAS authentication
successfulAuthenticationHandlers user .. CAS authentication
created_by user .. CAS authentication
credentialType user .. CAS authentication
uid user .. CAS authentication
authenticationMethod user .. CAS authentication
longTermAuthenticationRequestTokenUsed user .. CAS authentication
office_address course .. Course logs (show as additional columns)
office_phone_extension course .. Course logs (show as additional columns)
birthday user Stores the birthdate of a user Not really fixed to "birthday", but will appear in user's details
ConsideredWorkingTime work/student_publication Stores the amount of hours a user is considered to have worked on an assignment Assignments time tracking
acquisition learning path view Adds a column "Acquisition" in student LPs table to display info about a learning path's acquisition of knowledge/understanding by the student Learning path tracking
invisible learning path view Prepend a column in student LPs table to display a checkbox to select the LP category and its LPs
is_mandatory survey Allows the teacher to indicate if a survey is mandatory or not for the course (will lock the course if mandatory and not completed yet) Course home
attachment scheduled announcements ..
send_to_coaches scheduled announcements ..
skype user Stores the Skype username for each user Social profile page
rssfeeds user Allows the user to attach an RSS feed to his/her profile Social profile (shared) page
tags portfolio Let users mark their contribution for later categorization Portfolio reports
session_courses_read_only_mode course Allowing setting courses in session in read-only mode
gdpr user Whether the user accepted the privacy terms
my_terms user The version of the terms and conditions the users saw
new_tracking_system course ..
new_tracking_system session ..
collapsed session Prevents users to see the full details of the session until extended Goes with $_configuration['allow_user_session_collapsable']
language forum category/forum post ..
to be continued... ..
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