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Merge pull request #3779 from cardstack/smart-compress #2146

Merge pull request #3779 from cardstack/smart-compress

Merge pull request #3779 from cardstack/smart-compress #2146

GitHub Actions / ssr-web test results succeeded Mar 21, 2024 in 0s

All 180 tests pass in 9s

180 tests  ±0   180 ✅ ±0   9s ⏱️ ±0s
  1 suites ±0     0 💤 ±0 
  1 files   ±0     0 ❌ ±0 

Results for commit dc2e0f9. ± Comparison against earlier commit ca9e3f7.


Check notice on line 0 in .github

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / ssr-web test results

180 tests found

There are 180 tests, see "Raw output" for the full list of tests.
Raw output
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Acceptance | pay > status page incidents: it renders a degraded service banner on the pay error page
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Acceptance | pay > status page incidents: it renders a degraded service banner on the pay page
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Acceptance | pay: It displays profile correctly in a non-iOS/non-Android environment
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Acceptance | pay: It displays profile correctly on Android
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Acceptance | pay: It displays profile correctly on iOS
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Acceptance | pay: it handles errors in fetching exchange rates gracefully
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Acceptance | pay: it has a fallback meta description if there is no amount param specified
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Acceptance | pay: it renders appropriate UI when URL is not complete
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Acceptance | pay: it renders appropriate UI when merchant safe is not fetched
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Acceptance | pay: it renders appropriate UI when profile is not fetched
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Acceptance | pay: it renders appropriate meta tags
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Acceptance | pay: it renders appropriate meta tags when profile is not fetched
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Acceptance | pay: it renders correctly if amount is malformed
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Acceptance | pay: it renders correctly if currency is non-USD and non-SPEND
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Acceptance | pay: it renders correctly if currency is unrecognised
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Acceptance | pay: it renders correctly with SPD as currency
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Acceptance | pay: it renders correctly with USD as currency
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Acceptance | pay: it renders correctly with no currency provided
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Acceptance | pay: it renders the clickable link by default when in an Android browser
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Acceptance | pay: it renders the clickable link by default when in an iOS browser
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Acceptance | pay: it rounds SPEND up to the min SPEND amount
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Acceptance | pay: it rounds USD up to the min USD amount
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Acceptance | pay: it rounds amount up to min spend amount if currency is non-USD and non-SPEND
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Acceptance | pay: it rounds floating point SPEND amounts
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Acceptance | pay: renders an error for an unknown page
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Acceptance | visit profile > render > authed but not owner: it shows when auth is present
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Acceptance | visit profile > render > authed for this profile: it shows when auth is present
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Acceptance | visit profile > render: it shows an error when subgraph fetch does not return a merchant safe
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Acceptance | visit profile > render: it shows an error when subgraph fetch fails
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Acceptance | visit profile > render: renders a user’s profile
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Acceptance | visit profile > render: renders a user’s profile on Android
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Acceptance | visit profile > render: renders a user’s profile on iOS
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Acceptance | visit profile: redirects from other links
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Acceptance | visit profile: redirects from wallet links
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Acceptance | visit profile: renders an error for a missing slug
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Acceptance | wc: it can redirect to the root if the wc route is accessed on
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Acceptance | wc: it can render a wc page
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: @cardstack/boxel
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: @ember-decorators/component
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: @ember-decorators/object
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: @ember-decorators/utils
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: @ember/optional-features
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: @ember/render-modifiers
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: @ember/test-helpers
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: @ember/test-waiters
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: @embroider/macros
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: @embroider/util
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: @glimmer/component
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: @glimmer/tracking
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: @percy/ember
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: @sentry/ember
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: broccoli-asset-rev
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: ember-a11y-testing
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: ember-animated
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: ember-assign-helper
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: ember-auto-import
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: ember-basic-dropdown
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: ember-cache-primitive-polyfill
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: ember-cached-decorator-polyfill
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: ember-cli-app-version
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: ember-cli-babel
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: ember-cli-dependency-checker
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: ember-cli-dependency-lint
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: ember-cli-deploy
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: ember-cli-deploy-build
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: ember-cli-deploy-s3
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: ember-cli-deploy-smart-compress
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: ember-cli-deprecation-workflow
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: ember-cli-dotenv
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: ember-cli-element-closest-polyfill
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: ember-cli-fastboot
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: ember-cli-fastboot-testing
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: ember-cli-htmlbars
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: ember-cli-inject-live-reload
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: ember-cli-mirage
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: ember-cli-sri
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: ember-cli-string-helpers
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: ember-cli-terser
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: ember-cli-test-loader
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: ember-cli-typescript
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: ember-cli-typescript-blueprints
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: ember-compatibility-helpers
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: ember-composable-helpers
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: ember-concurrency
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: ember-concurrency-decorators
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: ember-concurrency-ts
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: ember-css-url
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: ember-decorators
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: ember-destroyable-polyfill
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: ember-element-helper
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: ember-elsewhere
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: ember-event-helpers
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: ember-focus-trap
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: ember-get-config
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: ember-head
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: ember-in-element-polyfill
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: ember-inflector
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: ember-keyboard
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: ember-link
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: ember-load-initializers
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: ember-math-helpers
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: ember-maybe-in-element
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: ember-modifier
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: ember-modifier-manager-polyfill
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: ember-named-blocks-polyfill
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: ember-page-title
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: ember-power-calendar
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: ember-power-calendar-luxon
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: ember-power-select
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: ember-qunit
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: ember-resolver
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: ember-resources
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: ember-set-body-class
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: ember-set-helper
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: ember-sinon
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: ember-sinon-qunit
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: ember-source
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: ember-style-modifier
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: ember-svg-jar
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: ember-template-imports
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: ember-test-selectors
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: ember-text-measurer
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: ember-truth-helpers
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: ember-window-mock
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: loader.js
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: qunit-dom
Chrome 122.0 ‑ FastBoot | profile: it renders a profile
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | auth: it can move from the HUB_AUTH state to the DONE state
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | auth: it can move from the HUB_AUTH state to the WALLET_CONNECT state (disconnect)
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | auth: it can move from the WALLET_CONNECT state to the HUB_AUTH state
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | auth: it can show a LOADING state when hub auth is initializing
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | auth: it can show a LOADING state when layer 2 is initializing
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | auth: it can show an error message if the call to authenticate in the HUB_AUTH state fails
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | auth: it can show the DONE state
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | auth: it can show the HUB_AUTH state
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | auth: it can show the WALLET_CONNECT state
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | auth: it can show the WALLET_CONNECT state with a link, in Android
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | auth: it can show the WALLET_CONNECT state with a link, in iOS
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | auth: it can trigger a hub auth request by clicking the authentication button
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | auth: it resets a HUB_AUTH error when the WALLET_CONNECT state is shown
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | common/payment-link: it allows a custom cta for the payment link
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | common/payment-link: it allows toggling to qr and back in the mobile state
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | common/payment-link: it can render the mobile state
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | common/payment-link: it can render the non-mobile state
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | degraded-service-banner: It adds punctuation if missing
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | degraded-service-banner: It does not display a banner when there are no incidents or maintenances
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | degraded-service-banner: It shows a critical impact incident as severe
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | degraded-service-banner: It shows a major impact incident as severe
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | degraded-service-banner: It shows a minor impact incident as default
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | degraded-service-banner: It shows an in-progress maintenance as default
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | degraded-service-banner: It shows only the most recent and most impactful incident or maintenance
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | degraded-service-banner: it can display the small size
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | payment-request: It renders a loading state while a profile is loading
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | payment-request: It renders correctly with merchant address and failure to fetch profile
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | payment-request: It renders the deep-link view correctly and allows toggling
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | payment-request: It renders the non-deep-link view correctly with profile display info
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Helper | config: it errors when an unknown config value is requested
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Helper | config: it renders a config value to the template
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Helper | first-char: it can return the first character which consists of more than one code unit
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Helper | first-char: it ignores empty space at the beginning
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Helper | first-char: it ignores non-string input
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Helper | first-char: it returns first character of given string
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Service | app-context > browser: it can match the profile suffix and return a user id
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Service | app-context > browser: it can match the profile suffix to determine the app
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Service | app-context > fastboot: it can match the profile suffix and return a user id
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Service | app-context > fastboot: it can match the profile suffix to determine the app
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Unit | Service | HubAuthentication > with layer 2 initialized: it can fetch a new auth token when an existing one is invalid
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Unit | Service | HubAuthentication > with layer 2 initialized: it can fetch a new auth token when one doesn't exist
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Unit | Service | HubAuthentication > with layer 2 initialized: it can initialize with a non-authenticated state when layer 2 is not connected
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Unit | Service | HubAuthentication > with layer 2 initialized: it can initialize with a non-authenticated state when the initial auth token is not valid
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Unit | Service | HubAuthentication > with layer 2 initialized: it can initialize with a non-authenticated state when there is no initial auth token
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Unit | Service | HubAuthentication > with layer 2 initialized: it can initialize with an authenticated state
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Unit | Service | HubAuthentication > with layer 2 initialized: it can reuse an existing valid auth token
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Unit | Service | HubAuthentication > with layer 2 initialized: it throws an error when errors are thrown while fetching a new auth token
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Unit | Service | HubAuthentication > with layer 2 initialized: it throws an error when fetching a new auth token fails with an empty string
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Unit | Service | HubAuthentication > with layer 2 initialized: its state becomes non-authenticated when the auth token is cleared
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Unit | Service | HubAuthentication > with mock layer 2: it can wait for layer 2 to initialize
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Unit | Service | Layer2Network: it clears the auth token when onDisconnect is called
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Unit | Service | Layer2Network: it exists
Chrome 122.0 ‑ ember-qunit: Ember.onerror validation: Ember.onerror is functioning properly