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Merge pull request #3779 from cardstack/smart-compress #2146

Merge pull request #3779 from cardstack/smart-compress

Merge pull request #3779 from cardstack/smart-compress #2146

GitHub Actions / web-client test results succeeded Mar 21, 2024 in 0s

All 528 tests pass in 58s

528 tests  ±0   528 ✅ ±0   58s ⏱️ -1s
  1 suites ±0     0 💤 ±0 
  1 files   ±0     0 ❌ ±0 

Results for commit dc2e0f9. ± Comparison against earlier commit ca9e3f7.


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@github-actions github-actions / web-client test results

528 tests found

There are 528 tests, see "Raw output" for the full list of tests.
Raw output
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Acceptance | Connect Wallet: Connecting a layer 1 wallet via Metamask
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Acceptance | Connect Wallet: Connecting a layer 2 wallet via Cardstack Wallet mobile app
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Acceptance | accessibility: accessibility check
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Acceptance | card-drop: it shows a success message
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Acceptance | card-drop: it shows an error message
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Acceptance | create profile > Tests with the layer 2 wallet already connected: changed profile details after canceling the profile creation request are persisted
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Acceptance | create profile > Tests with the layer 2 wallet already connected: changing Layer 2 account should cancel the workflow
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Acceptance | create profile > Tests with the layer 2 wallet already connected: disconnecting Layer 2 after proceeding beyond it
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Acceptance | create profile > Tests with the layer 2 wallet already connected: initiating workflow with layer 2 wallet already connected
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Acceptance | create profile persistence > Restoring from a previously saved state: it allows interactivity after restoring previously saved state
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Acceptance | create profile persistence > Restoring from a previously saved state: it cancels a persisted flow when card wallet address is different
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Acceptance | create profile persistence > Restoring from a previously saved state: it cancels a persisted flow when trying to restore while unauthenticated
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Acceptance | create profile persistence > Restoring from a previously saved state: it cancels a persisted flow when version is old
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Acceptance | create profile persistence > Restoring from a previously saved state: it restores a canceled workflow
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Acceptance | create profile persistence > Restoring from a previously saved state: it restores a finished workflow
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Acceptance | create profile persistence > Restoring from a previously saved state: it restores an unfinished workflow
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Acceptance | create profile persistence > Restoring from a previously saved state: it should reset the persisted card names when editing one of the previous steps
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Acceptance | create profile persistence: Generates a flow uuid query parameter used as a persistence identifier and can be dismissed via the header button
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Acceptance | create profile: initiating workflow without wallet connections
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Acceptance | create profile: it cancels the workflow if prepaid cards associated with the EOA do not have enough balance
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Acceptance | create profile: it cancels the workflow if there are no prepaid cards associated with the EOA
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Acceptance | create profile: it cancels the workflow if there is already a profile in this EOA
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Acceptance | deposit and withdrawal: Depot and profile balances are listed when wallet is connected and update when the account changes
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Acceptance | deposit and withdrawal: Depot balance is hidden when wallet is not connected
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Acceptance | deposit and withdrawal: Depot balance section when user has no depot
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Acceptance | deposit persistence > Restoring from a previously saved state: it allows interactivity after restoring previously saved state
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Acceptance | deposit persistence > Restoring from a previously saved state: it cancels a persisted flow when Layer 1 wallet address is different
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Acceptance | deposit persistence > Restoring from a previously saved state: it cancels a persisted flow when card wallet address is different
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Acceptance | deposit persistence > Restoring from a previously saved state: it cancels a persisted flow when version is old
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Acceptance | deposit persistence > Restoring from a previously saved state: it restores a canceled workflow
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Acceptance | deposit persistence > Restoring from a previously saved state: it restores a finished workflow
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Acceptance | deposit persistence > Restoring from a previously saved state: it restores a workflow partway through the deposit/unlock 2-step process
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Acceptance | deposit persistence > Restoring from a previously saved state: it restores a workflow partway through the layer 2 bridging
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Acceptance | deposit persistence > Restoring from a previously saved state: it restores an unfinished workflow
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Acceptance | deposit persistence > Restoring from a previously saved state: it should reset the persisted card names when editing one of the previous steps
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Acceptance | deposit persistence: Generates a flow uuid query parameter used as a persistence identifier and can be dismissed via the header button
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Acceptance | deposit: Changing layer 1 account should cancel the workflow
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Acceptance | deposit: Changing layer 2 account should cancel the workflow
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Acceptance | deposit: Disconnecting Layer 1 from outside the current tab (mobile wallet / other tabs)
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Acceptance | deposit: Disconnecting Layer 1 from within the workflow
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Acceptance | deposit: Disconnecting Layer 2 from outside the current tab (mobile wallet / other tabs)
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Acceptance | deposit: Disconnecting Layer 2 from within the workflow
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Acceptance | deposit: Initiating workflow with layer 1 wallet already connected
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Acceptance | deposit: Initiating workflow with layer 2 wallet already connected
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Acceptance | deposit: Initiating workflow without wallet connections
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Acceptance | externally used assets: Each of the assets provided exists
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Acceptance | issue prepaid card > Tests with the layer 2 wallet already connected: Changing Layer 2 account should cancel the workflow
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Acceptance | issue prepaid card > Tests with the layer 2 wallet already connected: Disconnecting Layer 2 from outside the current tab (mobile wallet / other tabs)
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Acceptance | issue prepaid card > Tests with the layer 2 wallet already connected: Disconnecting Layer 2 from within the workflow
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Acceptance | issue prepaid card > Tests with the layer 2 wallet already connected: Workflow is canceled after showing wallet connection card if balances insufficient to create prepaid card
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Acceptance | issue prepaid card persistence > Restoring from a previously saved state: it allows interactivity after restoring previously saved state
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Acceptance | issue prepaid card persistence > Restoring from a previously saved state: it cancels a persisted flow when card wallet address is different
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Acceptance | issue prepaid card persistence > Restoring from a previously saved state: it cancels a persisted flow when state version is old
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Acceptance | issue prepaid card persistence > Restoring from a previously saved state: it cancels a persisted flow when trying to restore while unauthenticated
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Acceptance | issue prepaid card persistence > Restoring from a previously saved state: it cancels a persisted workflow when the chosen funding safe has an insufficient balance
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Acceptance | issue prepaid card persistence > Restoring from a previously saved state: it displays a persisted workflow canceled earlier with the minimum amount at the time of cancelation
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Acceptance | issue prepaid card persistence > Restoring from a previously saved state: it restores a canceled workflow
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Acceptance | issue prepaid card persistence > Restoring from a previously saved state: it restores a finished workflow
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Acceptance | issue prepaid card persistence > Restoring from a previously saved state: it restores an unfinished workflow
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Acceptance | issue prepaid card persistence > Restoring from a previously saved state: it should reset the persisted card names when editing one of the previous steps
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Acceptance | issue prepaid card persistence: Generates a flow uuid query parameter used as a persistence identifier and can be dismissed via the header button
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Acceptance | issue prepaid card: Initiating workflow without wallet connections
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Acceptance | network-problems: Layer 1 incorrect chain event triggers the showing of a non-dismissable modal
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Acceptance | network-problems: Layer 1 websocket disconnected event triggers the showing of a modal
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Acceptance | network-problems: Layer 2 incorrect chain event triggers the showing of a modal
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Acceptance | network-problems: Layer 2 websocket disconnected event triggers the showing of a modal
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Acceptance | not-found: it shows a 404 page for unknown routes
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Acceptance | payments dashboard: Merchant cards are hidden when wallet is not connected
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Acceptance | payments dashboard: Profiles are listed when wallet is connected and update when the account changes
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Acceptance | persistence view and restore > when the application has started: a storage event causes the count to update
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Acceptance | persistence view and restore > when the application has started: clicking a persisted workflow restores it
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Acceptance | persistence view and restore > when the application has started: clicking delete icon deletes the workflow
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Acceptance | persistence view and restore > when the application has started: completed workflows can be cleared
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Acceptance | persistence view and restore > when the application has started: completed workflows can not be deleted
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Acceptance | persistence view and restore > when the application has started: it is hidden when layer1 wallet is not connected
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Acceptance | persistence view and restore > when the application has started: it is hidden when layer2 wallet is not connected
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Acceptance | persistence view and restore > when the application has started: it lists persisted Card Pay workflows
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Acceptance | persistence view and restore > when the application has started: opening a workflow only increments the counter by one and shows the correct milestone
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Acceptance | persistence view and restore > when workflows have been persisted before the application loads: clicking a completed workflow persisted with an old version opens the flow and cancels immediately
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Acceptance | persistence view and restore > when workflows have been persisted before the application loads: clicking an incomplete workflow persisted with an old version opens the flow and cancels immediately
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Acceptance | persistence view and restore > when workflows have been persisted before the application loads: it is hidden before wallets are connected
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Acceptance | persistence view and restore > when workflows have been persisted before the application loads: it lists existing persisted Card Pay workflows
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Acceptance | wallet: Cards are hidden when wallet is not connected
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Acceptance | wallet: Cards are listed when wallet is connected and update when the account changes
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Acceptance | withdrawal > Tests with the layer 1 wallet already connected: Disconnecting Layer 1 after proceeding beyond it
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Acceptance | withdrawal > Tests with the layer 1 wallet already connected: Initiating workflow with layer 1 wallet already connected
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Acceptance | withdrawal > Tests with the layer 2 wallet already connected: Changing layer 1 account should cancel the workflow
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Acceptance | withdrawal > Tests with the layer 2 wallet already connected: Changing layer 2 account should cancel the workflow
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Acceptance | withdrawal > Tests with the layer 2 wallet already connected: Disconnecting Layer 2 after proceeding beyond it
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Acceptance | withdrawal > Tests with the layer 2 wallet already connected: Initiating workflow with layer 2 wallet already connected
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Acceptance | withdrawal persistence > Restoring from a previously saved state: it cancels a persisted flow when Layer 1 wallet address is different
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Acceptance | withdrawal persistence > Restoring from a previously saved state: it cancels a persisted flow when card wallet address is different
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Acceptance | withdrawal persistence > Restoring from a previously saved state: it cancels a persisted flow when state version is old
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Acceptance | withdrawal persistence > Restoring from a previously saved state: it restores a canceled workflow
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Acceptance | withdrawal persistence > Restoring from a previously saved state: it restores a finished workflow
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Acceptance | withdrawal persistence > Restoring from a previously saved state: it restores an unfinished workflow
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Acceptance | withdrawal persistence > Restoring from a previously saved state: it restores the workflow and resumes the transaction when restoring during withdraw step
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Acceptance | withdrawal persistence > Restoring from a previously saved state: it restores the workflow when restoring during bridging
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Acceptance | withdrawal persistence: Generates a flow uuid query parameter used as a persistence identifier and can be dismissed via the header button
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Acceptance | withdrawal: Initiating workflow without enough ETH to claim
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Acceptance | withdrawal: Initiating workflow without wallet connections
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: @cardstack/boxel
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: @cardstack/ember-shared
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: @ember-decorators/component
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: @ember-decorators/object
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: @ember-decorators/utils
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: @ember/optional-features
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: @ember/render-modifiers
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: @ember/test-helpers
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: @ember/test-waiters
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: @embroider/macros
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: @embroider/util
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: @glimmer/component
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: @glimmer/tracking
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: @percy/ember
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: @sentry/ember
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: broccoli-asset-rev
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: ember-a11y-testing
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: ember-animated
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: ember-assign-helper
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: ember-auto-import
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: ember-basic-dropdown
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: ember-cache-primitive-polyfill
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: ember-cached-decorator-polyfill
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: ember-cli-app-version
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: ember-cli-babel
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: ember-cli-dependency-checker
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: ember-cli-dependency-lint
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: ember-cli-deploy
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: ember-cli-deploy-build
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: ember-cli-deploy-cloudfront
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: ember-cli-deploy-display-revisions
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: ember-cli-deploy-revision-data
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: ember-cli-deploy-s3
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: ember-cli-deploy-smart-compress
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: ember-cli-deprecation-workflow
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: ember-cli-dotenv
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: ember-cli-element-closest-polyfill
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: ember-cli-htmlbars
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: ember-cli-inject-live-reload
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: ember-cli-mirage
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: ember-cli-sri
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: ember-cli-string-helpers
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: ember-cli-terser
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: ember-cli-test-loader
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: ember-cli-typescript
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: ember-cli-typescript-blueprints
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: ember-compatibility-helpers
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: ember-composable-helpers
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: ember-concurrency
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: ember-concurrency-decorators
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: ember-concurrency-ts
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: ember-css-url
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: ember-decorators
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: ember-destroyable-polyfill
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: ember-element-helper
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: ember-elsewhere
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: ember-event-helpers
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: ember-fetch
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: ember-focus-trap
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: ember-get-config
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: ember-head
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: ember-in-element-polyfill
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: ember-inflector
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: ember-keyboard
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: ember-link
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: ember-load-initializers
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: ember-math-helpers
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: ember-maybe-in-element
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: ember-modifier
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: ember-modifier-manager-polyfill
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: ember-named-blocks-polyfill
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: ember-page-title
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: ember-power-calendar
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: ember-power-calendar-luxon
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: ember-power-select
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: ember-qunit
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: ember-resolver
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: ember-resources
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: ember-set-body-class
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: ember-set-helper
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: ember-sinon
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: ember-sinon-qunit
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: ember-source
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: ember-style-modifier
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: ember-svg-jar
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: ember-template-imports
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: ember-test-selectors
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: ember-text-measurer
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: ember-truth-helpers
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: loader.js
Chrome 122.0 ‑ DependencyLint: qunit-dom
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | avatar: it allows a rounded image
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | avatar: it can render a placeholder and allows customization
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | avatar: it can render an image and its alt
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | avatar: it can render an image in a loading state
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | card-pay/balance-view-banner: it renders a depot safe token balance
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | card-pay/balance-view-banner: it renders a merchant safe token balance
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | card-pay/balance-view-banner: it uses placeholders for an unhandled safe type
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | card-pay/create-profile/prepaid-card-choice > Test the sdk register profile calls: it can call register profile with selected prepaid card address
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | card-pay/create-profile/prepaid-card-choice > Test the sdk register profile calls: it cancels the workflow if hub authentication fails
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | card-pay/create-profile/prepaid-card-choice > Test the sdk register profile calls: it clears the txnHash stored if there is an error
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | card-pay/create-profile/prepaid-card-choice > Test the sdk register profile calls: it only makes one Hub call to persist when trying again after a timeout
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | card-pay/create-profile/prepaid-card-choice > Test the sdk register profile calls: it shows a correct fallback error message
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | card-pay/create-profile/prepaid-card-choice > Test the sdk register profile calls: it shows the correct error message for a timeout
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | card-pay/create-profile/prepaid-card-choice > Test the sdk register profile calls: it shows the correct error message for a user rejection
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | card-pay/create-profile/prepaid-card-choice > Test the sdk register profile calls: it shows the correct error message for the user not having enough of a token to create the profile
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | card-pay/create-profile/prepaid-card-choice > Test the sdk register profile calls: it shows the correct text in the creation button in the beginning and after errors
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | card-pay/create-profile/prepaid-card-choice > when the Hub endpoint fails: it shows the fallback error message
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | card-pay/create-profile/prepaid-card-choice-card-picker edge cases: it disables and fades out cards with insufficient balance
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | card-pay/create-profile/prepaid-card-choice-card-picker edge cases: it preselects prepaid card if there is only one valid option
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | card-pay/create-profile/prepaid-card-choice: it allows canceling and retrying after a while
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | card-pay/create-profile/prepaid-card-choice: it allows changing selected prepaid card
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | card-pay/create-profile/prepaid-card-choice: it displays the correct data in in-progress state
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | card-pay/create-profile/prepaid-card-choice: it shows the correct data in default state
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | card-pay/create-profile/profile-customization: It displays the default state correctly
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | card-pay/create-profile/profile-customization: It displays the memorialized state correctly
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | card-pay/create-profile/profile-customization: It shows when there is an error validating id uniqueness
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | card-pay/create-profile/profile-customization: It updates the workflow session when saved
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | card-pay/create-profile/profile-customization: It validates a given id and displays the error message returned from the hub
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | card-pay/create-profile/profile-customization: It validates the profile ID field
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | card-pay/create-profile/profile-customization: It validates the profile name field and updates the preview
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | card-pay/deposit-workflow/transaction-amount > it can resolve retries correctly: it clears the relay tokens transaction hash upon transaction revert
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | card-pay/deposit-workflow/transaction-amount > it can resolve retries correctly: it completes successfully if we reject the first attempt and resolve the second
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | card-pay/deposit-workflow/transaction-amount > it can resolve retries correctly: it completes successfully if we resolve both attempts
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | card-pay/deposit-workflow/transaction-amount > it can resolve retries correctly: it completes successfully if we resolve the first attempt and reject the second
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | card-pay/deposit-workflow/transaction-amount > it can resolve retries correctly: it resets if we reject both attempts
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | card-pay/deposit-workflow/transaction-amount: It accurately sends the amount to be handled by layer 1 (18-decimal floating point)
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | card-pay/deposit-workflow/transaction-amount: It disables the unlock button when amount entered is more than balance (18-decimal floating point)
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | card-pay/deposit-workflow/transaction-amount: It does not accept invalid values and ignores invalid characters typed in
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | card-pay/deposit-workflow/transaction-amount: it can go through with unlock and deposit
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | card-pay/deposit-workflow/transaction-amount: it clears the unlock transaction hash if the transaction is reverted
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | card-pay/deposit-workflow/transaction-amount: it rejects a value of zero
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | card-pay/deposit-workflow/transaction-amount: its deposit step can be retried if there is no deposit transaction hash
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | card-pay/deposit-workflow/transaction-amount: its deposit step can not be retried if there is a deposit transaction hash
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | card-pay/deposit-workflow/transaction-setup: completed card displays the correct data
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | card-pay/deposit-workflow/transaction-setup: incomplete card displays the correct data
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | card-pay/deposit-workflow/transaction-setup: interacting with the card
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | card-pay/deposit-workflow/transaction-setup: it disables radio option with undefined balance
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | card-pay/deposit-workflow/transaction-setup: it displays validation message if funds are undefined and 0
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | card-pay/deposit-workflow/transaction-setup: it displays validation message if user has 0 card and dai balances
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | card-pay/deposit-workflow/transaction-setup: zero balance tokens should not show loading indicator for USD balance
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | card-pay/deposit-workflow/transaction-status: it displays all appropriate links and calls onComplete if it loads with appropriate data to complete the card
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | card-pay/deposit-workflow/transaction-status: it shows an error message if block confirmations fail
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | card-pay/deposit-workflow/transaction-status: it shows an error message if bridging fails
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | card-pay/deposit-workflow/transaction-status: it updates UI to display progress as bridging proceeds
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | card-pay/hub-authentication > Initialized authenticated: It shows authenticated state
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | card-pay/hub-authentication > Initialized unauthenticated > Test the sdk hub authentication calls: It attempts to re-authenticate when Try Again button is pressed
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | card-pay/hub-authentication > Initialized unauthenticated > Test the sdk hub authentication calls: It shows the failure message if the signing request fails or is rejected
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | card-pay/hub-authentication > Initialized unauthenticated > Test the sdk hub authentication calls: It shows the successful state if authentication succeeds
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | card-pay/hub-authentication > Initialized unauthenticated: It shows a message on timeout
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | card-pay/hub-authentication > Initialized unauthenticated: it disables the chin button when card is frozen
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | card-pay/issue-prepaid-card-workflow/funding-source > when there is a depot safe: it defaults to the depot safe when one has not been set in the workflow
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | card-pay/issue-prepaid-card-workflow/funding-source > when there is a depot safe: it falls back to the first safe with a sufficient balance if the depot safe has insufficient balance
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | card-pay/issue-prepaid-card-workflow/funding-source > when there is a depot safe: it only lists compatible safes with balances of compatible tokens that exceed the minimum in the workflow
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | card-pay/issue-prepaid-card-workflow/funding-source > when there is a depot safe: it renders an error message when no safe with sufficient balances exists
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | card-pay/issue-prepaid-card-workflow/funding-source > when there is a depot safe: it uses the safe from the workflow when it exists
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | card-pay/issue-prepaid-card-workflow/funding-source: it renders the proper fallback balance when there is no depot safe
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | card-pay/issue-prepaid-card-workflow/preview > Test the sdk prepaid card creation calls: it allow canceling and retrying after a while
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | card-pay/issue-prepaid-card-workflow/preview > Test the sdk prepaid card creation calls: it cancels the workflow if hub authentication fails
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | card-pay/issue-prepaid-card-workflow/preview > Test the sdk prepaid card creation calls: it clears the transaction hash if the transaction is reverted
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | card-pay/issue-prepaid-card-workflow/preview > Test the sdk prepaid card creation calls: it shows a correct fallback error message
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | card-pay/issue-prepaid-card-workflow/preview > Test the sdk prepaid card creation calls: it shows the correct error message for a timeout
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | card-pay/issue-prepaid-card-workflow/preview > Test the sdk prepaid card creation calls: it shows the correct error message for a user rejection
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | card-pay/issue-prepaid-card-workflow/preview > Test the sdk prepaid card creation calls: it shows the correct error message for the user not having enough of a token to create the card
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | card-pay/issue-prepaid-card-workflow/preview > Test the sdk prepaid card creation calls: it shows the correct text in the creation button in the beginning and after errors
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | card-pay/issue-prepaid-card-workflow/preview: it shows the fallback error message if the card customization service fails
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | card-pay/prepaid-card-safe: it displays a warning icon when encountering a 403 from storage
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | card-pay/prepaid-card-safe: it displays the correct data
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | card-pay/prepaid-card-safe: it retries the card customization service if it fails when @waitForCustomization is true
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | card-pay/safe-balance-card: it can render balances for a prepaid card safe and filters out zero-balance tokens
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | card-pay/safe-balance-card: it renders the safe type and balances for the safe address specified in the workflow
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | card-pay/safe-balance-card: it shows a message when the safe is not found
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | card-pay/safe-balance-card: it shows a message when the wallet is disconnected
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | card-pay/safe-chooser-dropdown: it renders choices for each passed-in safe
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | card-pay/safe-chooser-dropdown: it renders the first safe as chosen by default
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | card-pay/safe-chooser-dropdown: it renders with @selectedSafe chosen
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | card-pay/safe-chooser-dropdown: it returns the chosen safe to the handler
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | card-pay/safe: it renders a depot safe
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | card-pay/safe: it renders a merchant safe
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | card-pay/safe: it throws an error rendering a prepaid card safe
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | card-pay/withdrawal-workflow/choose-balance: It should allow a layer 2 safe and balance to be chosen
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | card-pay/withdrawal-workflow/choose-balance: it can fall back to a non-depot safe
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | card-pay/withdrawal-workflow/choose-balance: it uses the withdrawal safe from the workflow when it exists
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | card-pay/withdrawal-workflow/token-claim: It clears the token if claim transaction is reverted
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | card-pay/withdrawal-workflow/transaction-amount: it accepts a value that is equal to the minimum
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | card-pay/withdrawal-workflow/transaction-amount: it accepts a well-formatted value that is less than or equal to the balance
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | card-pay/withdrawal-workflow/transaction-amount: it can complete and save necessary properties to the workflow session
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | card-pay/withdrawal-workflow/transaction-amount: it clears the transaction hash if the transaction is reverted
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | card-pay/withdrawal-workflow/transaction-amount: it displays the correct error message if user rejects confirmation
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | card-pay/withdrawal-workflow/transaction-amount: it displays the default error message
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | card-pay/withdrawal-workflow/transaction-amount: it ignores a minus sign
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | card-pay/withdrawal-workflow/transaction-amount: it ignores non-number characters
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | card-pay/withdrawal-workflow/transaction-amount: it rejects a well-formatted value that exceeds 18 decimal places
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | card-pay/withdrawal-workflow/transaction-amount: it rejects a well-formatted value that is lower than the minimum
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | card-pay/withdrawal-workflow/transaction-amount: it rejects a well-formatted value this is greater than the balance
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | card-pay/withdrawal-workflow/transaction-amount: it rejects a well-formatted value this is greater than the maximum
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | card-pay/withdrawal-workflow/transaction-amount: it resumes the transaction to relay tokens if provided with a transaction hash
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | card-pay/withdrawal-workflow/transaction-amount: it strips whitespace from the beginning and end
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | card-pay/withdrawal-workflow/transaction-amount: the amount is marked invalid when a value is entered and then cleared
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | card-pay/withdrawal-workflow/transaction-amount: the amount is marked invalid when the field loses focus
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | card-pay/withdrawal-workflow/transaction-amount: the funding source and balance are shown
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | card-pay/withdrawal-workflow/transaction-confirmed: It displays the correct data
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | card-pay/withdrawal-workflow/transaction-status: It completes when the bridged transaction completes
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | card-pay/withdrawal-workflow/transaction-status: It renders transaction status and links
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | card-pay/withdrawal-workflow/transaction-status: It shows an appropriate error message if block confirmations time out
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | card-pay/withdrawal-workflow/transaction-status: It shows an appropriate error message if bridging fails
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | common/image-upload-action > with editor: it calls onUpload callback for editor save
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | common/image-upload-action > with editor: it does not call the onUpload callback if the editor is closed without saving
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | common/image-upload-action > with editor: it opens an editor upon successful file upload
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | common/image-upload-action > with editor: it yields a preview for the image editor
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | common/image-upload-action > without editor: it calls the onError callback for validation errors
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | common/image-upload-action > without editor: it calls the onUpload callback upon successful file upload
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | common/image-upload-action > without editor: it has an input which accepts the file type specified in validationOptions
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | common/image-upload-action > without editor: it yields a startUpload callback that triggers a click event on the hidden input if useEditor is false
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | common/image-upload-action/image-editor: it can be closed by clicking the cancel button
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | common/image-upload-action/image-editor: it can edit an image, preview it, and save it
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | common/image-upload-action/image-editor: it is shown when isOpen is truthy
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | common/image-upload-action/image-editor: it throws an error when width and height are not provided
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | common/image-upload-interface: clicking on the cta triggers the startUpload callback
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | common/image-upload-interface: clicking on the delete button triggers the onRemoveImage callback
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | common/image-upload-interface: it allows modifying of its preview avatar via the default block
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | common/image-upload-interface: it can display an image
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | common/image-upload-interface: it can display an image placeholder
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | common/image-upload-interface: it can display an image with a loading state
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | common/image-upload-interface: it can represent an error state
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | common/image-upload-interface: it displays the cta text
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | common/image-upload-interface: it displays the image requirement text in the default state
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | degraded-service-banner: It adds punctuation if missing
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | degraded-service-banner: It does not display a banner when there are no incidents or maintenances
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | degraded-service-banner: It shows a critical impact incident as severe
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | degraded-service-banner: It shows a major impact incident as severe
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | degraded-service-banner: It shows a minor impact incident as default
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | degraded-service-banner: It shows an in-progress maintenance as default
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | degraded-service-banner: It shows only the most recent and most impactful incident or maintenance
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | layer-one-connect-card: It should be able to move between default (unconnected), loading, and connected states
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | layer-one-connect-card: It should enable MetaMask if window.ethereum.isMetaMask is true
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | layer-one-connect-card: It should persist L1 address in workflow session after the wallet is connected
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | layer-one-connect-card: It should persist L1 address in workflow session if the wallet is already connected
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | layer-one-connect-card: It should render the wallet provider's name if it is connected before rendering
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | layer-one-connect-card: It should show a selection UI if layer 1 is not connected
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | layer-one-connect-card: It should show all nonzero token balances, and an appropriate message if there are none
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | layer-one-connect-card: It should show card summary if card is completed and user disconnects the wallet
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | layer-two-connect-card: It does not show the connect prompt when workflow is completed and wallet is disconnected
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | layer-two-connect-card: It should show a loading state if still fetching a depot
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | layer-two-connect-card: It should show nonzero token balances, and an appropriate message if there are none
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | layer-two-connect-card: It shows the connect prompt by default
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | layer-two-connect-card: the layer 2 wallet address is persisted after the wallet is connected
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | layer-two-connect-card: the layer 2 wallet address is persisted if the wallet is already connected
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | workflow-thread > conditional disabling of parts or whole workflow: @frozen is true for all cards when workflow is canceled
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | workflow-thread > conditional disabling of parts or whole workflow: @frozen is true for all cards when workflow is completed
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | workflow-thread > conditional disabling of parts or whole workflow: @frozen is true for children in milestone when milestone is not editable
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | workflow-thread > conditional disabling of parts or whole workflow: @frozen is true for only one card when card is not editable
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | workflow-thread: A workflow can be rolled back
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | workflow-thread: it can render the `sidebar-preview-content`
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | workflow-thread: it displays a degraded service banner if required
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | workflow-thread: it renders before-content named block
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | workflow-thread: it renders cancelation posts after the workflow is canceled
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | workflow-thread: it renders date divider before first post and when the date changes
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | workflow-thread: it renders epilogue posts after the workflow is complete
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | workflow-thread: it uses the appropriate text for milestone statuses
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Component | workflow-thread: it will not render the `sidebar-preview-content` if there is no ToElsewhere that sends a component
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Helper | config: it errors when an unknown config value is requested
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Helper | config: it renders a config value to the template
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Helper | dec: five by default (one)
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Helper | dec: five by eight
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Helper | dec: five by two
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Helper | first-char: it can return the first character which consists of more than one code unit
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Helper | first-char: it ignores empty space at the beginning
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Helper | first-char: it ignores non-string input
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Helper | first-char: it returns first character of given string
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Helper | format-amount: It displays a value without floating point rounding error
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Helper | format-usd: It preserves a minimum precision of 3 for an amount less than 1
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Helper | format-usd: It should return a string formatted as $<amountWithTwoDecimals> USD
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Helper | format-wei-amount: not rounded: It should return a precise value up to 18 decimals
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Helper | format-wei-amount: not rounded: it should return values with at least 2 decimal places
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Helper | format-wei-amount: not rounded: it should return values with separators
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Helper | format-wei-amount: rounded: It should return a value with 2 significant digits for small but significant numbers (> 0.0001)
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Helper | format-wei-amount: rounded: it should return values with at least 2 decimal places
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Helper | format-wei-amount: rounded: it should return values with separators
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Helper | format-workflow-message: it renders lists
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Helper | object-at: first element
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Helper | object-at: five by default (one)
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Helper | object-at: five by eight
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Helper | object-at: last element
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Helper | object-at: middle element
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Helper | object-at: out of range high
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Helper | object-at: out of range low
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Helper | postable-meta-hidden: authors different
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Helper | postable-meta-hidden: one is missing
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Helper | postable-meta-hidden: same author and within the same minute
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Helper | postable-meta-hidden: times different by more than a minute
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Helper | postable-meta-identical: authors different
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Helper | postable-meta-identical: one is missing
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Helper | postable-meta-identical: same author and both posts within a minute
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Helper | postable-meta-identical: times different by more than a minute
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Helper | spend-to-usd: empty input
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Helper | spend-to-usd: input type does not match
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Helper | spend-to-usd: it can convert spend amount to usd
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Helper | token-to-usd: it does not fetch converters if the helper is not used
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Helper | token-to-usd: it fetches one converter when ETH is requested
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Helper | token-to-usd: it fetches only CARD.CPXD when only CARD.CPXD is requested
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Helper | token-to-usd: it fetches only DAI.CPXD and ETH when only DAI and ETH are requested
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Helper | token-to-usd: it fetches only DAI.CPXD when only DAI.CPXD is requested
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Helper | token-to-usd: it fetches two converters when DAI and CARD are requested
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Helper | token-to-usd: it fetches two converters when DAI.CPXD and CARD.CPXD are requested
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Helper | token-to-usd: it renders an empty string while the conversion function is not yet set
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Helper | token-to-usd: it renders conversion result to 2 decimal places
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Helper | token-to-usd: it returns 0 without fetching converters if the amount requested is 0
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Helper | token-to-usd: it throws an error if a token other than DAI, DAI.CPXD, CARD, CARD.CPXD, or ETH is requested
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Helper | token-to-usd: it updates conversion result when DAI exchange rate changes
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Helper | token-to-usd: it updates conversion result when ETH exchange rate changes
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Modifier | tippy: expected html attrs and structure
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Modifier | tippy: it can render htmlSafe content
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Modifier | tippy: it shows on focus
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Modifier | tippy: it shows on hover
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Integration | Modifier | tippy: it shows on touch
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Unit | AnimatedWorkflow model: It can progress as the underlying workflow progresses through milestones
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Unit | AnimatedWorkflow model: It can roll back a workflow when the wrapped workflow is rolled back
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Unit | AnimatedWorkflow model: It can show an appropriate workflow progress status (milestone, canceled, started)
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Unit | AnimatedWorkflow model: It makes cancelationMessages visible after the workflow is canceled
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Unit | AnimatedWorkflow model: It makes the epilogue visible after the workflow is completed
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Unit | AnimatedWorkflow model: It reflects the wrapped workflow's isCanceled property
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Unit | AnimatedWorkflow model: It uses the wrapped workflow's milestones to model its milestones
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Unit | Milestone model > a Milestone with postables: isComplete is false until all postables complete (except excluded)
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Unit | Milestone model > a Milestone with postables: setWorkflow does exactly that
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Unit | Milestone model > a Milestone with postables: timestamps are set on postable once they are part of visiblePostables
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Unit | Milestone model > a Milestone with postables: visiblePostables includes only first incomplete postable
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Unit | Milestone model > an empty Milestone: isComplete is true
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Unit | Milestone model > an empty Milestone: visiblePostables is empty
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Unit | Milestone model > editable state: isEditable is false if editableIf returns false
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Unit | Milestone model > editable state: isEditable is true by default
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Unit | Milestone model > editable state: isEditable is true if editableIf returns true
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Unit | Resource | Safes: it aliases the first depot it finds to depot
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Unit | Resource | Safes: it can clear graphData, individual update data, safe references, and value
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Unit | Resource | Safes: it can return a TrackedSafe defined in graphData but not in individual update data
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Unit | Resource | Safes: it can return a TrackedSafe defined in individual update data but not in graphData
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Unit | Resource | Safes: it can update the aliased depot via updateDepot
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Unit | Resource | Safes: it returns safes that are compatible with and have sufficient balance for issuing a prepaid card
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Unit | Resource | Safes: it returns the graph safe state if the block number is greater than or equal to the individual safe state
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Unit | Resource | Safes: it returns the individual safe state if the block number is greater than the graph block number
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Unit | Resource | Safes: it returns undefined when it fails to get a safe by address
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Unit | Resource | Safes: updating a safe using updateOne updates a rendered view that uses both nested or direct property
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Unit | Resource | Safes: updating all safes by fetching from the graph updates a rendered view that uses both nested or direct property
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Unit | Service | HubAuthentication > with layer 2 initialized: it can fetch a new auth token when an existing one is invalid
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Unit | Service | HubAuthentication > with layer 2 initialized: it can fetch a new auth token when one doesn't exist
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Unit | Service | HubAuthentication > with layer 2 initialized: it can initialize with a non-authenticated state when layer 2 is not connected
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Unit | Service | HubAuthentication > with layer 2 initialized: it can initialize with a non-authenticated state when the initial auth token is not valid
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Unit | Service | HubAuthentication > with layer 2 initialized: it can initialize with a non-authenticated state when there is no initial auth token
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Unit | Service | HubAuthentication > with layer 2 initialized: it can initialize with an authenticated state
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Unit | Service | HubAuthentication > with layer 2 initialized: it can reuse an existing valid auth token
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Unit | Service | HubAuthentication > with layer 2 initialized: it throws an error when errors are thrown while fetching a new auth token
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Unit | Service | HubAuthentication > with layer 2 initialized: it throws an error when fetching a new auth token fails with an empty string
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Unit | Service | HubAuthentication > with layer 2 initialized: its state becomes non-authenticated when the auth token is cleared
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Unit | Service | HubAuthentication > with mock layer 2: it can wait for layer 2 to initialize
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Unit | Service | Layer2Network: it clears the auth token when onDisconnect is called
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Unit | Service | Layer2Network: it exists
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Unit | Workflow model > with includeIf: includeIf called only once a postable is a candidate for display
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Unit | Workflow model: Completed workflow is not canceled when workflow.cancel is called
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Unit | Workflow model: Incomplete workflow is canceled when workflow.cancel is called
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Unit | Workflow model: Workflow cannot be canceled twice
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Unit | Workflow model: Workflow.resetTo resets each milestone and its epilogue correctly
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Unit | Workflow model: attachWorkflow sets workflow on cancelationMessages
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Unit | Workflow model: attachWorkflow sets workflow on epiloguePostables
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Unit | Workflow model: attachWorkflow sets workflow on milestones
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Unit | Workflow model: completedMilestoneCount returns count of milestones with isComplete true
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Unit | Workflow model: progressStatus returns "Workflow canceled" when workflow is canceled
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Unit | Workflow model: progressStatus returns "Workflow started" when no milestones are complete
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Unit | Workflow model: progressStatus returns the "completedDetail" of the last complete milestone
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Unit | Workflow model: visibleMilestones returns milestones up to and including first incomplete milestone
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Unit | WorkflowCard model: isComplete starts off as false
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Unit | WorkflowCard model: isEditable is false if editableIf returns false
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Unit | WorkflowCard model: isEditable is true by default
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Unit | WorkflowCard model: isEditable is true if editableIf returns true
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Unit | WorkflowCard model: setWorkflow makes session available
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Unit | WorkflowCard model: when onComplete is called, isComplete is set to true
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Unit | WorkflowCard model: when onComplete is called, the card's check method is called and the card's workflow is canceled
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Unit | WorkflowCard model: when onIncomplete is called, workflow is called
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Unit | WorkflowMessage model: isComplete starts off as true
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Unit | WorkflowPostable model: isComplete starts off as false
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Unit | WorkflowPostable model: passed participant is available as property
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Unit | WorkflowPostable model: passing includeIf sets up method
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Unit | WorkflowPostable model: setWorkflow does exactly that
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Unit | WorkflowSession model: get BigNumber value
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Unit | WorkflowSession model: get Date value
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Unit | WorkflowSession model: get all keys at once as a hash
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Unit | WorkflowSession model: get boolean value
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Unit | WorkflowSession model: get number value
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Unit | WorkflowSession model: get string value
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Unit | WorkflowSession model: get un-set BigNumber value
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Unit | WorkflowSession model: get un-set Date value
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Unit | WorkflowSession model: get un-set boolean value
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Unit | WorkflowSession model: get un-set number value
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Unit | WorkflowSession model: get un-set string value
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Unit | WorkflowSession model: it can return worklow version
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Unit | WorkflowSession model: it can update last updated date
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Unit | WorkflowSession model: it can update meta properly, preserving earlier properties
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Unit | WorkflowSession model: it stores information about updated and created date when persisting data for the first time
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Unit | WorkflowSession model: it throws if meta is updated via the setValues method
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Unit | WorkflowSession model: set BigNumber value
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Unit | WorkflowSession model: set Date value
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Unit | WorkflowSession model: set boolean value
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Unit | WorkflowSession model: set multiple keys at once with a hash
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Unit | WorkflowSession model: set number value
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Unit | WorkflowSession model: set optional string value
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Unit | WorkflowSession model: set string array value
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Unit | WorkflowSession model: set string record value
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Unit | WorkflowSession model: set string value
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Unit | WorkflowSession model: state is a proxy allowing access to values
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Unit | WorkflowSession model: state starts off as empty
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Unit | image-validation: It can detect a valid image
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Unit | image-validation: It can detect invalid file size
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Unit | image-validation: It can detect invalid image file type
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Unit | image-validation: It can detect invalid image size
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Unit | image-validation: It has default validation
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Unit | image-validation: It throws when set up with invalid config
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Unit | image-validation: Its default validation can be overwritten
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Unit | layer 1 connection manager: It calls the cross-tab-connection callback upon connected messages, if not already connected
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Unit | layer 1 connection manager: It calls the disconnect callback upon disconnected messages, if already connected
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Unit | layer 1 connection manager: It does not call the cross-tab-connection callback upon connected messages, if already connected
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Unit | layer 1 connection manager: It does not call the disconnect callback upon disconnected messages, if not connected
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Unit | layer 1 connection manager: It should have a providerId, and assign web3's provider after calling connect
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Unit | layer 1 connection manager: It should have a providerId, and assign web3's provider after calling reconnect
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Unit | layer 1 connection manager: It should not have a providerId at instantiation
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Unit | layer 1 connection manager: Its providerId should be cleared after calling reset
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Unit | layer 1 connection manager: The onConnect method of the layer 1 connection manager sets the providerId in storage
Chrome 122.0 ‑ Unit | layer 1 connection manager: The onDisconnect method of the layer 1 connection manager removes the providerId from storage
Chrome 122.0 ‑ ember-qunit: Ember.onerror validation: Ember.onerror is functioning properly