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Project that analyzes the performance of 4 randomized optimization algorithms on 3 optimization problems & replacing gradient descent with RO algorithms

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CS 7641 - Assignment 2: Randomized Optimization

This repository contains the experiments made to analyze and complete assignment 2 of the CS7641 - Machine Learning course from the Georgia Institute of Technology.

The main purpose of this assignment is to analyze 4 randomized optimizations algorithms:

  • Randomized Hill Climbing
  • Simulated Annealing
  • Genetic Algorithm
  • Mutual-Information-Maximum Input Clustering (MIMIC)

with 3 optimization problems:

  • One Max
  • Flip Flop
  • Knapsack

as well as finding weights for a neural network using RO algorithms to replace back propagation from gradient descent.

We use the mlrose-hiive module to execute these experiments.

Setup Virtual Environment

In the root directory of the project, do one of the following two


$ conda create --name myenv python=3.8
$ conda activate myenv
$ pip install -r requirements.txt


$ python -m venv /venv
$ source venv/bin/activate
$ pip install -r requirements.txt


If mlrose-hiive does not install automatically with the requirements.txt, then run

$ cd mlrose
$ pip install -e .

Run Scripts

Optimization Problems using Randomized Optimization Algorithms

Open up randomized_optimiztion.ipynb in VS Code (or your preferred editor/jupyter server), select your virtual environment (in this example myenv) as your kernel and run the code cells one by one.

Note that the problems may take a long time to finish computing sometimes (from 30 mins to 2 hours) depending on hardware specs. This is due to the number of experiments we do on each problem (~180 per problem).

Finding Optimal Weights to train a Neural Network using Randomized Optimization Algorithms

Open up neural_network_weight_optimization.ipynb in VS Code (or your preferred editor/jupyter server), select your virtual environment (in this example myenv) as your kernel and run the code cells one by one.

Note that the problems may take a long time to finish computing sometimes (~20 mins max) depending on hardware specs.

Note: If you are a GT Student taking CS7641 DO NOT proceed looking at this repository in order to not violate the GT Academic Honor Code


Project that analyzes the performance of 4 randomized optimization algorithms on 3 optimization problems & replacing gradient descent with RO algorithms




