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Recipe Naming Conventions

Elliot Jordan edited this page Mar 2, 2021 · 5 revisions

A recipe can be a simple plist or yaml file, but it can also be a folder, similar to bundles in macOS, a logical unit that can contain multiple variants of the recipe, custom processors, or additional required resources.

Going through each search directory in order, autopkg will look for files ending in ".recipe", ".recipe.plist", or ".recipe.yaml", starting from the root of the directory, and return the first one it finds.

  1. NAME.recipe
  2. **/NAME.recipe (where ** is equivalent to basic shell globbing, returning any directory at this level in the tree) AutoPkg does not recurse any deeper than one directory "below" a given search directory.
  3. NAME.recipe.yaml
  4. **/NAME.recipe.yaml (again, only one directory below)

The recipes in the autopkg/recipes repo follow an additional naming convention, and you are encouraged to follow it as well for your own recipes, especially if you will be sharing them with others:

  • (or indicates a recipe that only downloads a product and does no further processing (other than verifying the code signature of the downloaded product). These recipes are often the basis for NAME.munki and NAME.pkg recipes.

  • NAME.munki.recipe (or NAME.munki.recipe.yaml) indicates a recipe intended for use with Munki.

  • NAME.pkg.recipe (or NAME.pkg.recipe.yaml) indicates a recipe intended to extract or build packages, possibly for use with deployment systems other than Munki.

Some recipe names:

  1. GoogleChrome.pkg.recipe – a simple standalone plist recipe that repackages Google Chrome
  2. GoogleChrome.pkg.recipe.yaml – a yaml version of the above
  3. Firefox/Firefox.pkg.recipe – a Firefox recipe in its own folder, possibly with additional resources
  4. OmniGroup/OmniFocus.munki.recipe – a Munki recipe for OmniFocus, which imports it into Munki. Stored together with recipes for other OmniGroup products.
  5. AdobeAcrobatPro/AdobeAcrobatProXUpdate.munki.recipe – an Acrobat Pro recipe that makes use of a processor (also located in this directory) that can parse Adobe's ARM update feed, which can be shared by multiple recipes for Acrobat

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