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Packaging AutoPkg For Release on GitHub

Elliot Jordan edited this page May 16, 2024 · 17 revisions

AutoPkg is packaged using an AutoPkg recipe, which uses as its source a zipball downloaded from the tip of GitHub master branch.

The process below is now automated with a script, but still follows the same steps. Releases should be normally be done using this release script as opposed to manually.

NOTE: Prior to beginning these steps, ensure you have run through the AutoPkg unit tests successfully.

Updating the wiki before a new release

The wiki documentation should be updated for every release, and there is a script that will do this. It pulls the version from the same AutoPkg checkout and puts this in the commit note, so it is best to update the wiki immediately before running the release build script steps below.

Releasing a new package with the script

These are the steps to make a new release. The Github token must be generated from It's recommended you save it somewhere.

You'll also need to have Xcode installed (not just the Command Line Tools) as well as have git user and email configured.

  1. Update the The header should end in ...HEAD) (Unreleased).
  2. Commit the and push to master.
  3. cd Scripts
  4. ./ --next-version X --token Y --dry-run
    (The --next-version here is the likely version AFTER the release you're working on, for adding to the changelog.)

Always use a dry-run to test out the entire process first, because if it fails partway through for any reason, recovering from an incomplete push is a painful process.

Manual release steps

For reference, a package release should be done by taking the following steps (assuming we're releasing version 1.2.3):

  1. Ensure all commits for the final release have been pushed to GitHub.
  2. Ensure your working directory is completely clean.
  3. Ensure contains summaries of changes, fixes, features, etc. Add the release date to the header with the current version being released.
  4. Commit and tag the new version:
git add
git commit -m "v1.2.3"
git tag v1.2.3
git push
git push --tags
  1. Bootstrap the install to ensure we're using the current pkgserver code for the PkgCreator step of the recipe we'll be running:
sudo Scripts/
  1. Ensure the AutoPkgGitMaster.pkg recipe is available and up to date:
Code/autopkg repo-add
  1. Run the packaging recipe:
Code/autopkg run AutoPkgGitMaster.pkg
  1. Verify the package contents:
lsbom $(pkgutil --bom /path/to/built/autopkg-1.2.3.pkg)
  1. Visit the tags page and draft a new release for the new tag. Attach the newly-built package and copy/paste the notes for this version from the changelog.
  2. Commit an increment to the version files (for example incrementing to 1.2.4):
/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c 'Set :Version 1.2.4' Code/autopkglib/version.plist
  1. Update to add "### 1.2.4 (Unreleased)" at the top.
  2. Commit and push the incremented version:
git add Code/autopkglib/version.plist
git commit -m "Bumping version for development."
git push

Recovering from a partial release

If the release script fails to run completely, recovering takes a few steps.

  1. Revert the Release commit.
  2. Delete the remote tag, where X.Y.Z is the version:
git tag -d v.X.Y.Z
git push origin :refs/tags/vX.Y.Z

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