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Understanding and Using Labels

Geido edited this page Feb 11, 2022 · 3 revisions

Understanding Labels

Labels use namespaces to help with filtering and discovering issues, PRs and discussions. These namespaces correspond to logical objects of the application or sections, such as home, dashboard, explore, and others. Namespaces can also represent actions such as need:more-info.

Using Labels

Always search for existing labels. There are over 400 labels available and it's very probable that the label that you are looking for already exists.

Creating new labels should only be necessary if the existing labels do not provide enough context and if you foresee that the new label will be heavily used in the future. In any other case just use the namespace / catch-all labels, such as dashboard, viz:charts, explore, etc. You can find all the namespaces by searching for the word Namespace on the Labels Page.

Below are outlined some of the most relevant namespaces that are currently in use.

Priority namespaces


Requires immediate attention.


To draw the attention of the community of committers.


Refers to priority items, such as P0, P1, P2, etc.

Bug related


Some examples are #bug:blocking!, #bug:regression, #bug:cant-reproduce.


It refers to the status of the issue, whether it was validated / submitted by a committer or reproduced by multiple users.

validation:required to require validation from a committer.

validation:validated when an issue was reproduced and must be fixed.


The issue won't be fixed.

Namespaces for objects and sections


Anything related to the REST API. Some examples are api:dashboards, api:charts.


Anything related to data, such as database configurations, datasets, etc. Some examples are data:connect:vertica, data:connect:presto, data:databases, data:datasets.


Anything related to the Alerts & Reports feature.


Anything related to dashboards, some examples include dashboard:cross-filters, dashboard:native-filters, dashboard:performance, dashboard:design and others.


Anything related to Explore. Some examples include explore:datapanel, explore:design, explore:metrics, explore:performance.


Anything related to viz types. Some examples include viz:charts:line, viz:charts:table, viz:dynamic-plugins.


Anything related to the Homepage. Some examples are home:design, home:favorite, home:recent.


Anything related to lists of objects, such as Dashboards, Datasets, Charts, etc, such as listview:dashboards.


A generic namespace for features that fit globally in Superset. Some examples include global:error, global:omnibar, global:async-query.

Namespaces for actions and assignments


Issues or discussions that require action. Some examples include need:design-review, need:more-info, need:community-volunteer.


Mostly used for PRs that need to hold, for example, hold:testing!


Mostly used for issues that are assigned to specific teams, such as assigned:preset, assigned:airbnb.

Other namespaces


Anything related to translations and localization in general. Some examples include i18n:italian, i18n:chinese, i18n:french.


Anything related to the documentation, such as doc:user, doc:developer.


Anything related to infrastructure, including infra:webserver, infra:caching.


Anything related to the installation. Some examples are install:docker, install:config.

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