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Anakin detection/recognition deamons

Libraries needed

sudo apt-get install build-essential libgtk2.0-dev libjpeg-dev libtiff4-dev \
libjasper-dev libopenexr-dev cmake python-dev python-numpy python-tk \
libtbb-dev libeigen3-dev yasm libfaac-dev libopencore-amrnb-dev \
libopencore-amrwb-dev libtheora-dev libvorbis-dev libxvidcore-dev libx264-dev \
libqt4-dev libqt4-opengl-dev sphinx-common texlive-latex-extra libv4l-dev \
libdc1394-22-dev libavcodec-dev libavformat-dev libswscale-dev default-jdk \
ant libvtk5-qt4-dev libtesseract-dev libleptonica-dev

opencv and opencv_contrib are also needed, specifically these versions:

  • opencv with tag 3.0.0-alpha
  • opencv_contrib at commit 0898fb9

Please get the correct versions from github, and then follow the compilation instructions at

How to compile with cmake

mkdir build && cd build
cmake -DOpenCV_DIR=/path/to/opencv/BUILD/directory ..
make test

How to compile with eclipse

Project properties: c/c++ buil -> Settings -> Gcc c++ linker -> libraries -> Libraries (-l)

tesseract GL opencv_core opencv_features2d opencv_xfeatures2d opencv_nonfree opencv_highgui opencv_video opencv_videoio opencv_videostab opencv_flann opencv_imgproc opencv_imgcodecs opencv_contrib opencv_ml opencv_text boost_system boost_iostreams boost_filesystem opencv_calib3d opencv_objdetect curl pthread pq tbb boost_regex boost_unit_test_framework

c/c++ buil -> Settings -> Gcc c++ linker -> libraries -> path (-L):

/usr/lib/ /usr/local/lib/ /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu "${workspace_loc:/${ProjName}/anakin-daemons/lib/tbb42_20131118oss/lib/intel64/gcc4.4/}" "${workspace_loc:/${ProjName}/anakin-daemons/lib/tbb42_20131118oss/lib/intel64/gcc4.4/irml}"

c/c++ buil -> Settings -> Gcc c++ compiler -> Includes -> path (-I):

/usr/local/include/opencv2 /usr/include/postgresql "${workspace_loc:/Anakin/anakin-daemons/lib/tbb42_20131118oss/include}" "${workspace_loc:/Anakin/anakin-daemons/lib}" "${workspace_loc:/Anakin/anakin-daemons/includes}" "${workspace_loc:/Anakin/anakin-daemons/src}" /usr/include/curl

c/c++ buil -> Settings -> Gcc c++ compiler -> Dialect -> ISO C++11 (other flags -m64) c/c++ buil -> Settings -> Gcc c compiler -> Dialect -> ISO C11 (other flags -m64)