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Release 3

Russell Haley edited this page Mar 3, 2020 · 2 revisions

Release 3 page - This is not yet released

2020-03-XX - 2003a

I am pleased to announce the third Release of WinLua: Release 3, 2003a. R3 throws out the Lua interpreter customizations attempted in Release 2, but adds an exciting patch that improves debugging performance when using the <?> Lua debugger in VS Code. We retained LibreSSL, it's great on the command line for creating certificates as well as linking to Lua libraries.

Unfortunately I've had to drop JamPlus support. JamPlus is a brilliant technology but doesn't have any traction or support in the Lua community other than Josh (it's creator). You would be writing build files for yourself and nobody else. Instead, the WinLua installer now includes a fully integrated LuaRocks Package Manager (and build system!) and (Drum roll please...)

Introducing the WinLua Compiler

That's right: A C compiler. Winlua now includes Martin Storsjo's llvm-minw C compiler for Windows. Llvm-mingw is a complete compiler toolchain and contains all the headers and libraries needed to create fully functioning C programs without Visual Studio or any Microsoft compiler toolchains

What's Included:

  • Lua 5.3.5 - Included is the "OP_HALT" patch that drastically improves debugging performance wind using <?> Lua debugger in Visual Studio Code. ZeroBrane is also working on a patch for their IDE
  • LuaFileSystem (lfs) version 1.7.0 from the Kepler Project.
  • Sol3 version 2.20.1 - Include this header in your C++ application and seemlessly integrate Lua into modern C++.
  • LibreSSL 3.0.2 - OpenSSL fork from OpenBSD. I don't yet include luasec, but this is a step in that direction. I also have my eye on luaossl by William Ahern (requires porting).
  • LuaRocks 3.X.X - The de facto Lua Package Manager and build system. Download and build your own standard library.
  • WinLua Compiler Toolchain - A custom build of the llvm-mingw compiler toolchain.



WLC - WinLua Compiler