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GitHub Label Usage

GeekPro101 edited this page Dec 4, 2020 · 1 revision

PR - Pull request

This label should be used for both Issues and PRs in order to label changes as having been instigated in an AIRAC amendment. For example, the introduction of a new SID, the altering of an airfield's ground layout, or changes to airways.

This label should be used for both Issues and PRs in order to label changes that need to take place in order to fix a bug. For example, when online rings are not displaying as they should do (see #443), or when a coordinate error has resulted in something displaying incorrectly (see #448).

This label should be used for both Issues and PRs in order to label changes that enhance the experience of using the sector file. Some examples might be by adding a (non-urgent) feature (such as online rings or a ground map), or perhaps improving an agreement's reliability.

This label should be used for Issues that are at a good level of difficulty for a new contributor, or someone with less experience of sector file development, to start working on. These issues should be extra clear with what exactly needs to be changed, and might even link to a Wiki page for further reading on how or why these changes are done. Github will use this tag to invite new users to contribute to the repository.

This label should be used for Issues that do not yet need to be worked on. The most typical reason for this will be that scenery updates are not expected and so making the changes now would be detrimental to the controller or pilot's situational awareness on the ground. Another reason may be that further research is required before a full solution to the issue can be proposed.

This label should be used for PRs that have been reviewed and are ready to be merged, but that might not, at this stage, be suitable to be merged. For example, if the next release of the sector file is 2017/01, but a change has been made for 2017/02 which has been reviewed (but should not be merged into the master branch yet), it will be labelled with 'ready'.

This label should be used for Issues that have not yet got an assignee, and that are available for someone to start working on. To be assigned an issue, simply comment on it so that someone can remove this label.