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Setting up Tobii accessibility eye trackers

kmcnaught edited this page Jul 30, 2019 · 17 revisions

If you're using a Tobii Dynavox eye tracker (e.g. PCEye Go, PCEye Mini, PCEye Plus, EyeMobile, EyeMobile Mini, EyeMobile Plus, ...), you should already have a Windows Control application. There are two versions of this; it's important to know which you are using as it will dictate whether you can use your eye tracker directly in EyeMine or whether you need to use mouse emulation.

New Windows Control 2 app

The latest Tobii Windows Control app gives you direct access to EyeMine. You just need to tell EyeMine what eye tracker to listen out for.

Right click on EyeMine, click Settings and select the "Pointing & Selecting" tab. Change the "Source" (under "Pointing") to Tobii Dynavox eye tracker. Click "OK" to save your changes. EyeMine will need to restart to apply your changes.

Older Windows Control/Gaze Interaction app

The earlier Tobii Windows Control app is not directly compatible with EyeMine, but can be used to control the cursor for mouse control. You can see what it looks like on this video showing Windows Control to control EyeMine. Make sure Windows Control is only moving the cursor and not performing any clicks on dwell.

If your Windows Control app doesn't launch this, but rather shows a grey toolbar for gaze selection at the side of the screen, you will need to change to mouse emulation in the Gaze Interaction settings. Launch the Gaze Interaction Settings app and under Windows Control, select "Mouse Emulation" as shown in this screenshot showing mouse emulation setting.

Make sure you tell Minecraft that you are using Mouse emulation, by going to Mods -> Eye Gaze -> Config -> Basic options, and setting Enable mouse emulation compatibility mode = true. For more details, see Using Tobii eye trackers with Windows control