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Containerized development workflow for the NorLab_MPPI and SNOW_AutoRally projects leveraging nvidia-docker technology. Believe it or not, it's configured for developing with ROS melodic in python 3.6.

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Project related link:   NLSAR (Youtrack)   •   norlabsnow (Docker Hub)   •   NorLab_MPPI (GitHub)   •   SNOW_AutoRally (GitHub)  

Containerized development workflow for the NorLab_MPPI and SNOW_AutoRally projects leveraging nvidia-docker technology. Believe it or not, it's configured for developing with ROS melodic in python 3.6.

Key benefit: custom dependency management, development environment consistency, easy deployment to robots compute box and results reproducibility.

Author: Luc Coupal

Container prompt legend


Quick start for the NorLab_MPPI project on x86 workstation
  • Requirement: docker and nvidia container toolkit must be installed (follow install step 1 and 2)
  • Tips: You can use the --help flag for usage instruction on most ds_* command
# Create a directory for your development source code if you dont already have one
mkdir -p ~/Repositories && cd ~/Repositories

# Clone both repositories 
sudo git clone
sudo git clone

# Install aliases and check Nvidia NVCC  
cd ~/Repositories/Dockerized-SNOW
source ds_setup.bash

# Pull the norlab-mppi-develop image from norlabsnow Dockerhub with the x86-ubuntu18.04 tag
sudo docker pull norlabsnow/norlab-mppi-develop:x86-ubuntu18.04 

# Create a new docker image instance for development on your machine and start working on the 
# NorLab_MPPI project using ROS melodic, Python 3 and Pytorch right away.
ds_instantiate_develop --runTag=x86-ubuntu18.04 --name=MyCoolName --src="$HOME/Repositories/NorLab_MPPI"

To open an terminal inside MyCoolNmae, use the following convenient script

ds_attach MyCoolNmae

or use sudo docker exec -it MyCoolName bash

Quick start for the NorLab_MPPI project on Apple M1 (arm64) workstation
  • It's the same image as the arm64-l4t but with PyTorch and Numba compiled specifically for arm64-Darwin
  • Tips: You can use the --help flag for usage instruction on most ds_* command
  • Be advise, cuda is not supported on Apple computer so PyTorch and Numba will work on cpu
# Create a directory for your development source code if you dont already have one
mkdir -p ~/Repositories && cd ~/Repositories

# Clone both repositories 
sudo git clone
sudo git clone

# Install aliases
cd ~/Repositories/Dockerized-SNOW
source ds_setup.bash

# Pull the norlab-mppi-develop image from norlabsnow Dockerhub with the arm64-Darwin-ubuntu18.04 tag
sudo docker pull norlabsnow/norlab-mppi-develop:arm64-Darwin-ubuntu18.04

# Create a new docker image instance for development on your machine and start working on the 
# NorLab_MPPI project using ROS melodic, Python 3 and Pytorch right away.
ds_instantiate_develop --runTag=arm64-Darwin-ubuntu18.04 --osx --name=MyCoolName --src="$HOME/Repositories/NorLab_MPPI"

To open an terminal inside MyCoolName, use the following convenient script

ds_attach MyCoolName

or use sudo docker exec -it MyCoolName bash

Quick start for the NorLab_MPPI project on Apple (x86) workstation
  • Tips: You can use the --help flag for usage instruction on most ds_* command
  • Be advise, cuda is not supported on Apple computer so PyTorch and Numba will work on cpu only

Use a x86 docker image and let docker use roseta to emulate the x86 architecture

# Install roseta
softwareupdate --install-rosetta
# Create a directory for your development source code if you dont already have one
mkdir -p ~/Repositories && cd ~/Repositories

# Clone both repositories 
sudo git clone
sudo git clone

# Install aliases 
cd ~/Repositories/Dockerized-SNOW
source ds_setup.bash

# Pull the norlab-mppi-develop image from norlabsnow Dockerhub with the arm64-Darwin-ubuntu18.04 tag
sudo docker pull norlabsnow/norlab-mppi-develop:x86-ubuntu18.04

# Create a new docker image instance for development on your machine and start working on the 
# NorLab_MPPI project using ROS melodic, Python 3 and Pytorch right away.
ds_instantiate_develop --platform='linux/amd64' --runTag=x86-ubuntu18.04 --osx --name=MyCoolName --src="$HOME/Repositories/NorLab_MPPI"
# Runnning `uname -m` inside the container will confirm the type of architecture

To open an terminal inside MyCoolname, use the following convenient script

ds_attach MyCoolname

or use sudo docker exec -it MyCoolName bash

Quick start for the SNOW_AutoRally project on x86 workstation
  • Requirement: docker and nvidia container toolkit must be installed (follow install step 1 and 2)
  • Tips: You can use the --help flag for usage instruction on any dockerized-snow bash script
# Create a directory for your development source code if you dont already have one
mkdir -p ~/Repositories && cd ~/Repositories

# Clone both repositories 
sudo git clone
sudo git clone
cd ~/Repositories/Dockerized-SNOW

# Pull the norlab-mppi-develop image from norlabsnow Dockerhub with the x86-ubuntu18.04 tag
bash ds_build_dependencies.bash --x86 --GT-AR
bash ds_build_develop.bash --x86 --GT-AR

# Create a new docker image instance for development on your machine and start working on the 
# NorLab_MPPI project using ROS melodic, Python 3 and Pytorch right away.
bash ds_instantiate_develop.bash --runTag=x86-ubuntu18.04 --name=THEgtar --src="$HOME/Repositories/SNOW_AutoRally"

                                          ||..  '                                               
····································· Dockerized-SNOW ••········································
                                         .     '||                                              



Then follow the step at SNOW_AutoRally: Autonomous Driving in Simulation using MPPI

roslaunch autorally_gazebo autoRallyTrackGazeboSim.launch


High level architecture

(  View diagram fullscreen   •   edit diagram  )




To pull the latest image from docker hub, execute the following in terminal:

sudo docker pull <container name>:<tag>

with <container name>= theImageName and <tag>= theHostArchitecture


nvidia-docker Documentation:
Docker Documentation:


Containerized development workflow for the NorLab_MPPI and SNOW_AutoRally projects leveraging nvidia-docker technology. Believe it or not, it's configured for developing with ROS melodic in python 3.6.




