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RedFantom edited this page Mar 2, 2017 · 3 revisions

GSF-Parser Wiki

Welcome to the GitHub repository of the GSF Parser. This is the wiki of this repository, the manual, so to say. You can navigate the pages to find more about the capabilities of the GSF-Parser, or to learn more about each specific setting and what different UI elements do so you can optimize your learning experience.

Goals of the GSF Parser

The GSF Parser is developed with one main goal: making it easier to learn GSF. However, there are also features included that will appeal more to the Veterans. More features are added regularly, so be sure to keep track of the Releases page in this repository so you can keep using the most up-to-date version of the GSF Parser.


The GSF Parser is for you, GSF Pilots. If you use the GSF Parser and like it, or if you have any ideas for its further development, please let us know! You can either fill out the form or you can send an e-mail to If you have a GitHub account, you can even create an issue report in the issue-tracker if you encounter one. All feedback is enormously appreciated!