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Data Extraction

Joshua Essex edited this page Oct 16, 2019 · 2 revisions

Data Extraction

The Data Extractor is a set of tools designed to make the extraction of data from a file, such as an html page or JSON object, much simpler. At a high level the data extractor takes a file, and attempts to extract values from provided keys so the user doesn't need to worry about walking the object to get data they need. It will smartly find all of the keys the user lists and map them to the correct fields in the ingest_info object. The result is a structured, typed, populated object containing the information that exists on a page.

There are currently three classes of data extractors:

  • HtmlDataExtractor, which takes a webpage and walks tables, labeled elements and elements identified by css selectors.
  • JsonDataExtractor, which takes a JSON object or array and looks for the provided fields.
  • CsvDataExtractor, which takes CSV-formatted text and looks for the provided columns.

How To Use the HtmlDataExtractor

The Yaml File

The first step is to create a yaml file which contains all of the keys that you care about, and how they map to the underlying ingestion object fields. To see a listing of all of the possible fields and their descriptions, see IngestInfo.


The first piece to fill in is the key_mappings. Specifically this is data on a page that is listed as single key value pairs on a web page. That is one value per key. An example is the following:

The resulting key_mappings in the yaml is:

  Inmate No: person.person_id
  Gender: person.gender
  BirthDate: person.birthdate
  Age: person.age
  Race: person.race
  Committed By: booking.hold
  Booking Date-Time: booking.admission_date
  "Booking #": booking.booking_id
  Sentence Length: [sentence.min_length, sentence.max_length]

Some special cases:

  • the left-hand side may require double-quotes ("") if there are special characters in the key
  • the right-hand side may be a list of values ([a, b]) if the same field should map to multiple IngestInfo values

Note that in this case, this particular site has fields for custody status and release date-time, but in fact they are never populated. We want to let the data extractor know to ignore these fields.


The next thing that needs to be filled out is the keys_to_ignore. This tells the data extractor to ignore these fields and not try to extract them. The important thing to consider here is that the specific key should be ignored for all extractions. This can be used for fields such as height, weight, hair colour, etc... because they do not map to anything in our internal database and we don't care about them. The keys_to_ignore for the yaml file would be:

  - Custody Status
  - Release Date-Time

In this case, these two fields do in fact map to our database, but this particular website never fills it in so we just tell the extractor to ignore it. We could have mapped it if we wanted, but it would just always be returned as empty.


In the example above, the person's name does not have a key that we can tell the extractor to use. The user could use the extractor to fill in all of the fields, and then manually extract the name using html parsing. However, we also support css_key_mappings for this reason. Similar to key_mappings, the user can list any css keys to also be extracted. In the example above the css for the name looks like:

<span id="ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_spnInmateName" class="name">
	Knowles, Beyoncé

We can update our yaml with:

  "#ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_spnInmateName": person.fullname

This lets you avoid extracting the value manually.


The final thing to fill out in the yaml is the multi_key_mapping. Some fields are a one to many mapping. For example, a person has multiple charges and the list of charges is listed in a table. Therefore, there isn't just one value, but many values that need to be scraped for a single key. Here is an example from the same webpage that lists a person's charges:

The final yaml for the entire webpage becomes:

  Inmate No: person.person_id
  Gender: person.gender
  BirthDate: person.birthdate
  Age: person.age
  Race: person.race
  "Booking #": booking.booking_id
  Committed By: booking.hold
  Booking Date-Time: booking.admission_date
  Sentence Length: [sentence.min_length, sentence.max_length]

  "#ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_spnInmateName": person.fullname

  - Custody Status
  - Release Date-Time
  - Offense DateTime
  - Arrest DateTime

  Statute Code: charge.statute
  CaseNumber: charge.case_number
  Bond Amount: bond.amount

Note that we added Offense DateTime and Arrest DateTime to the ignored keys because they are also always empty. This simple yaml file allows us to easily look at a webpage and tell the data extractor how to extract the fields. The user doesn't need to worry about any HTML parsing!


The HtmlDataExtractor exposes an additional API, used to get one value from a key after extract_and_populate_data is called. For example, a key in key_mappings can be mapped to no value and then accessed later with get_value.

How To Use the JsonDataExtractor

The JsonDataExtractor works like the HtmlDataExtractor, but only requires one field in the yaml. All keys will be listed under key_mappings and will contain the full path to the field in the JSON object or array.

For example, consider the following JSON object:

  "person": {
    "name": "LAST, FIRST"

   "bookings": [
      "admission date": "1/1/1111",
      "charges": [
        {"id": "345309", "description": "charge name 1"},
        {"id": "894303", "description": "charge name 2"}

The yaml file for this object is as follows:

key_mappings: person.full_name

  "bookings.admission date": booking.admission_date charge.charge_id

The left side of each line should contain the full path to the field, separated by dots (.). For example, the name field is located at object['person']['name'] and so the left side should be This works for paths that include array elements by ignoring the indices. For example, since bookings.charges is a list, charge IDs are located at object['bookings']['charges'][0]['id'] and object['bookings']['charges'][1]['id'], but the left side can omit the indices and just write

The right side of each line should contain the name of the IngestInfo object and the name of that object's field, separated by a dot (.). This is the same as in the HtmlDataExtractor.

How To Use the CsvDataExtractor

The CsvDataExtractor is similar to other extractors, but supports unique features that allow for extracting content related to a group of entities from across multiple different files. A single row can contain information about multiple different entities. Typically, keys will be listed under key_mappings and will contain the name of the column in the CSV text.

For example, consider the following CSV text:

First,Middle,Last,Some extra field

The yaml file for this object is as follows:

  First: state_person.given_names
  Middle: state_person.middle_names
  Last: state_person.surname

  - "Some extra field"

The left side of each line should match one of the headers in the CSV text.

The right side of each line should contain the name of the IngestInfo object and the name of that object's field, separated by a dot (.). This is the same as other data extractors.

All columns in the CSV file must be accounted for, so to explicitly skip a column, list it as part of keys_to_ignore (as in the above example).

Csv-Specific Mappings

For an example of a scraper using all of these specific features, check out the us_nd_scraper which ingests data across several incoming CSV files at a time.

The CSV data extractor includes a few unique mapping sections. Three of these are ancestor_keys, primary_key, child_key_mappings, and ancestor_gap.

ancestor_keys and primary_key

  SENTENCE_ID: state_incarceration_sentence.state_incarceration_sentence_id
  IN_OUT_STATUS: state_incarceration_sentence.status

  ROOT_PERSON_ID: state_person.state_person_id
  GROUP_ID: state_sentence_group.state_sentence_group_id

  SENTENCE_ID: state_incarceration_sentence.state_incarceration_sentence_id

ancestor_keys and primary_key are used to help stitch together IngestInfo object trees that may be distributed across multiple rows and files. In the example above, a file contains columns for state_incarceration_sentence, including its primary key, and also has columns pointing to the parent state_sentence_group and the grandparent state_person.


  • ancestor_keys includes references to ancestor entities that this row is updating/creating a child for. If an ancestor entity with the given id has already been instantiated, and the ancestor is the direct parent of this child, then this will attach the child to that ancestor. If the ancestor has been instantiated but is not a direct parent, and we don't know the id of any gaps in the ancestor chain, new empty objects will be created to fill the gaps and the child will be attached to its new parent, within the tree of the ancestor. If the ancestor entity has not yet been instantiated, a new ancestor entity will be created (and attached to its own ancestor, if known), and the child will be attached to the ancestor or within its tree, as described previously. This may be omitted if this file does not contain any ancestor information. If the ancestor_keys is omitted and and an object with a matching primary_key has not already been instantiated, we pick the most recent object with a matching parent type.

  • primary_key includes the column name that matches to the main id for this entity. This is used to ensure the primary id is set on the entity when it is first created, regardless of which field it is first created with, to help in locating this object later. This may be omitted if a primary_id_coordinates_override_callback (see below) is defined for this file.


If a file predominantly contains information for a parent entity, but also has a field for a child entity which will be ingested by a later file, that child entity can be instantiated and attached to the parent entity during processing of this row via child_key_mappings.

For example, consider the following CSV text:

105640,5190,1,A,,KIDNAPPING,1,1801,,FB,6/19/89  12:00:00 AM,12/6/14  12:23:51 PM,

This contains information mostly about a StateCharge, but also has a field for the downstream CourtCase. The YAML for this file is as follows:

  CHARGE_STATUS: state_charge.status
  OFFENSE_DATE: state_charge.offense_date
  OFFENCE_CODE: state_charge.statute
  DESCRIPTION: state_charge.description
  OFFENCE_TYPE: state_charge.classification_type
  INITIAL_COUNTS: state_charge.counts
  COMMENT_TEXT: state_charge.charge_notes

  GROUP_ID: state_sentence_group.state_sentence_group_id

  CASE_ID: state_court_case.state_court_case_id


When the CASE_ID column is processed, if it has a value then StateCharge.court_case will be created immediately, with the value of that column set on court_case_id. Importantly, the primary key for the parent entity in the file, state_charge in this case, will be included in the ancestor chain of any new child entities, whether that primary key comes from primary_key or a callback as described below.


If a file contains information for some entity and includes an ancestor_keys for an ancestor that's not the direct parent, and the entity being extracted has multiple potential parent types between itself and the noted ancestor (e.g. if the entity is a state_charge and the ancestor_keys points to state_sentence_group then in between the two could be any of state_incarceration_sentence, state_supervision_sentence or state_fine). enforced_ancestor_types can be used in these situations to explicitly declare what the parent should be, from context.

For example:

  CASE_ID: state_court_case.state_court_case_id
  CASE_STATUS: state_court_case.status
  CONVICTION_DATE: state_court_case.date_convicted
  COURT_DATE: state_court_case.next_court_date
  COUNTY_CODE: state_court_case.county_code
  JUDGE_NAME: state_court_case.judge_name

  OFFENDER_BOOK_ID: state_sentence_group.state_sentence_group_id

  state_sentence: state_incarceration_sentence

  ORDER_ID: state_court_case.state_court_case_id


In this case, the mapping is used to extract state_court_case entities, but we only have a key for state_sentence_group, which is the great-grandparent. The grandparent can be any of the state sentence types (hence state_sentence; see for a set of valid ancestor choice keys), and then the parent will be state_charge. enforced_ancestor_types is explicitly set to state_incarceration_sentence because it is known that this file provides information on cases that lead to sentences of incarceration. If there are multiple ancestor levels for which a specific type must be explicitly set, that can be done with multiple entries in the enforced_ancestor_types mapping.

Csv-Specific Callbacks

The CSV data extractor also includes a few callbacks that can be passed into the extractor's constructor, to inject dynamic behavior during extraction runtime. Because these callbacks are passed into the constructor, they are immutable state for an extractor. For this reason, it is generally advised to instantiate a new CSV data extractor for each individual file you would like to ingest.

The callbacks are as follows:

  • row_pre_hooks - a list of hooks that will be processed on each row before it is ingested by the extractor. They will be invoked in order with the content of the row itself. It should make any necessary modifications in-place to the row itself and should not return anything. The interface is:
def my_row_pre_hook(row: Dict[str, str]):
    # Do my stuff
  • row_post_hooks - a list of hooks that will be processed on each row ingested by that extractor. They will be invoked in order with the content of the row itself, the list of IngestObjects that were created or updated during processing of the row, and the current state of the IngestInfo. It should not return anything. The interface is:
def my_row_post_hook(row: Dict[str, str],
                     updated_objects: List[IngestObject],
                     ingest_info: IngestInfo):
    # Do my stuff
  • primary_key_override_callback - a callback which is called before a row is processed, dynamically setting the primary key for the entity to be updated by the row. This overrides any primary_key mapping in the yaml file. It will be invoked with the content of the row itself, and must return an IngestFieldCoordinates object. The interface is:
def my_primary_key_override_callback(row: Dict[str, str]) -> IngestFieldCoordinates:
    return IngestFieldCoordinates(primary_class, primary_field, primary_id)
  • parent_id_override_callback - a callback which is called before a row is processed, dynamically setting the parent id with which to locate the entity to be updated by the row. This is inserted into the mapping of parent ids derived from the ancestor_keys mapping in the yaml file, overriding any entry in the map with the same class key. It will be invoked with the IngestFieldCoordinates that represent the primary key for the row, and must return a mapping from parent type to the primary key of an instance of that type. The interface is:
def my_parent_id_override_callback(primary_coordinates: IngestFieldCoordinates) -> Dict[str, str]:
    return {parent_type: parent_id}

The Code

Now that the yaml is written, the last step is to tell the scraper to use the extractor. This process is simple, the first step is to import the data extractor:

from recidiviz.ingest.extractor.html_data_extractor import HtmlDataExtractor


from recidiviz.ingest.extractor.json_data_extractor import JsonDataExtractor


from recidiviz.ingest.extractor.csv_data_extractor import CsvDataExtractor

Next, get the directory of the yaml, which should be saved in your region's directory:

def __init__(self):
      self.yaml_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'my_yaml.yaml')

Finally, use the data extractor in the populate_data function:

def populate_data(self, content, params,
                  ingest_info: IngestInfo) -> Optional[ScrapedData]:
        Populates the ingest info object from the content and params given

            content: An lxml html tree.
            params: dict of parameters passed from the last scrape session.
            ingest_info: The IngestInfo object to populate
        data_extractor = HtmlDataExtractor(self.yaml_file)
        data_extractor.extract_and_populate_data(content, ingest_info)
        return ScrapedData(ingest_info=ingest_info, persist=True)

The data extractor will have a properly formatted object that you shouldn't need to touch. Note: In some cases you may need to do some additional work on the ingest_info object (if a field couldn't be extracted properly), but in most cases we prefer to expand the functionality of the data extractor to handle the case.

When Does It Work?

The data extractor works in a wide range of cases. It works in the following situations:

  • A page that has data displayed in a table, whether well-structured or poorly structured
    • The 'value' can appear to the right cell, or the cell below the key
    • The values don't have to be consistently displayed, for example one value can be in the lower cell, and another can be in the right cell on the same page
  • Unstructured key-value pairs that are separated by a ':' and not in a table
  • It can handle multiple people per page

The general rule of thumb is to attempt to the use the data extractor and ask questions later. In most cases it'll just work!

When Doesn't It work

The data extractor sometimes fails with very oddly structured data. It is hard to enumerate these examples as we have not encountered them all. There are cases when the data is displayed in a table that has many nested tables (it still catches most of these cases) resulting in data extraction errors.

Another current failure is when data for a single person is on many pages. For example if their booking information is on one page, but to get at their charge information you need to click through to another page. This behaviour is untested but a user can attempt to create two yaml files, one per page and use those to populate the ingest_info object. The data extractor should properly update the object that is passed in but use at your own risk! We plan to test and expand this functionality in the future.