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Update GitHub actions with new Xcode select action #46

Update GitHub actions with new Xcode select action

Update GitHub actions with new Xcode select action #46

Triggered via pull request May 16, 2023 06:52
Status Failure
Total duration 4m 31s


on: pull_request
Matrix: test
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2 errors and 7 warnings
test (macOS, 11.7, macosx10.15, platform=macOS, 5.2, test, true)
The operation was canceled.
test (macOS, 13.2.1, macosx12.1, platform=macOS, 5.5, test, true)
Node.js 12 actions are deprecated. Please update the following actions to use Node.js 16: actions/checkout@v2. For more information see:
Node.js 12 actions are deprecated. Please update the following actions to use Node.js 16: actions/checkout@v2. For more information see:
test (watchOS, 13.2.1, watchsimulator, OS=8.3,name=Apple Watch Series 6 - 44mm, 5.5, build, false)
Node.js 12 actions are deprecated. Please update the following actions to use Node.js 16: actions/checkout@v2. For more information see:
Node.js 12 actions are deprecated. Please update the following actions to use Node.js 16: actions/checkout@v2. For more information see:
test (tvOS, 13.2.1, appletvsimulator, OS=15.2,name=Apple TV 4K, 5.5, test)
Node.js 12 actions are deprecated. Please update the following actions to use Node.js 16: actions/checkout@v2. For more information see:
test (macOS, 11.7, macosx10.15, platform=macOS, 5.2, test, true)
Node.js 12 actions are deprecated. Please update the following actions to use Node.js 16: actions/checkout@v2. For more information see:
test (iOS, 13.2.1, iphonesimulator15.2, OS=15.2,name=iPhone 12 Pro Max, 5.5, test, false)
Node.js 12 actions are deprecated. Please update the following actions to use Node.js 16: actions/checkout@v2. For more information see: