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Proxynode V2.1 Mandatory

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@ProxyNode ProxyNode released this 24 Aug 10:51
· 27 commits to master since this release

Mandatory update!

Unification : due to complication of the previous daemon/cli naming, This unifies everyone to the correct naming convention. prxd, prx-cli, prx-tx, prx-qt. Default path changes from .Prx to .prx

Masternode IP added to RPC calls for block explorer to show IP addresses of masternodes.

Insert Null Glitch : When starting a wallet that had "Show Masternode tab" unticked, the wallet crashed with an Insert Null error. This is now resolved.

Fake Stake patch applied - Spork trigger incoming.

Added "Locked" balance
Amended Available(spendable) to accurately represent the coins available for immediate use.

MacOS pre-compiled has versions for current releases and legacy for Mountain Lion and older.