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Releases: ProxyNode/proxynode

Proxynode V2.1 Mandatory

24 Aug 10:51
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Mandatory update!

Unification : due to complication of the previous daemon/cli naming, This unifies everyone to the correct naming convention. prxd, prx-cli, prx-tx, prx-qt. Default path changes from .Prx to .prx

Masternode IP added to RPC calls for block explorer to show IP addresses of masternodes.

Insert Null Glitch : When starting a wallet that had "Show Masternode tab" unticked, the wallet crashed with an Insert Null error. This is now resolved.

Fake Stake patch applied - Spork trigger incoming.

Added "Locked" balance
Amended Available(spendable) to accurately represent the coins available for immediate use.

MacOS pre-compiled has versions for current releases and legacy for Mountain Lion and older.

Proxynode V2 - Mandatory!

04 Jun 22:42
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Fresh faced wallet upgrade.
Many of the original features were not enabled due to badly written wallet code.

Compatible with the old wallet but upgrade is mandatory for security patching.


26 Nov 04:17
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This is first release.