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Jan Böhmer edited this page Nov 14, 2018 · 1 revision


You can create labels (including barcodes if you like) for parts and storelocations:

Custom Text

You can use the default HTML-Tags for formatting texts, in labels: For example <b>Text</b> appears bold and <i>Text</i> appears italic.

If you want to include informations about the part, you can use the following placeholders (Note that the text between the %, is always capitalized):


Placeholder Description Example
%USERNAME% The user name of the currently logged in user admin
%USERNAME_FULL% The full name of the current user John Doe
%DATETIME% The current date and time in the selected locale 31.12.2017, 18:34:11
%INSTALL_NAME% The name of the current installation (see $config['partdb_title']) Part-DB


Platzhalter Beschreibung Beispiel
%ID% The internal ID of the part 24
%NAME% The name of the part ATMega328
%DESC% The description field of the part AVR, 32kB Flash, 2kB RAM, 20MHz
%COMMENT% The comment field of the part Useful for MCU-Projects
%MININSTOCK% The number of parts that has to be minimum instock 10
%INSTOCK% The count of the really instocked parts 15
%AVGPRICE% The average price of the part (Without currency symbol) 2,6
%CAT% The name of the category (without path) AVRs
%CAT_FULL% The full path of the category Aktiv->MCUs->AVRs
%FOOT% The name oft he footprint (without path) DIP-32
%FOOT_FULL% The full path of the footprint Bedrahtet->DIP->DIP-32
%MANUFACT% The name of the manufacturer Atmel
%MANUFACT_FULL% The full path of the manufacturer Halbleiterhersteller->Atmel
%SUPPLIER% The name of the (first) supplier Reichelt
%SUPPLIER_FULL% The full path of the (first) supplier OnlineAnbieter->Reichelt
%ORDER_NR% The ordering number of the part ATMEGA328-P
%STORELOC% The name of the storelocation Halbleiter I-A1
%STORELOC_FULL% The full path of the storelocation Werkstatt->Halbleiter I-A1


Placeholder Description Example
%ID% The internal ID of the storelocation 75
%NAME% The name of the storelocation Halbleiter II-A3
%COMMENT% The comment associated with this comment Important parts
%FULL_PATH% The full path to the storelocation (including the current one) Halbleiter II → Halbleiter II-A → Halbleiter II-A3
%PARENT_NAME% The name of the parent storelocation Halbleiter II-A
%PARENT_FULL_PATH% The full path to the parent storelocation Halbleiter II → Halbleiter II-A
%IS_FULL% "Yes" if location is marked as full, "NO" if not YES
%PARTS_COUNT% Die Count of parts that are existing in this storelocation 10