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Linux Distributions

Veronika Hanulíková edited this page Apr 5, 2024 · 2 revisions

h1. Linux Distributions

For GNU/Linux users the best solution is, if the distribution already includes recent packages of OpenSC. Here is a survey of recent distributions. If you have additional infomation, please add it. A general and current overview is shown on "": as well.

| Arch Linux | "OpenSC 0.18.0 included": | | Debian jessie (old stable) | "OpenSC 0.14.0 included": | | Debian stretch (stable) | "OpenSC 0.16.0 included": | | Debian sid (development) | "OpenSC 0.19.0 included": | | Fedora 26+ | "OpenSC 0.17.0 included": | | RHEL/CentOS 7.4 | OpenSC 0.16.0 (git revision 777e2a3) included | | Gentoo Portage | "OpenSC 0.9.6 in dev-libs/opensc": | | Mandrake | "OpenSC 0.8.1 in contrib": | | Novell/SUSE LINUX Enterprise Server 9 for x86 | "OpenSC 0.8.0 included": | | OpenPKG | "not included": | | Rock Linux | "OpenSC 0.9.4 included": | | OpenSuse 10.0 Beta 1 | "OpenSC 0.9.6 included": | | Suse 9.3 | "OpenSC 0.9.4 included": | | Suse 9.2 | "OpenSC 0.8.1 included": | | Suse 9.1 | "OpenSC 0.8.0 included": | | Ubuntu 16.04 | "OpenSC 0.15.0 included": | | Ubuntu 18.04 | "OpenSC 0.17.0 included": | | Ubuntu 18.10 | "OpenSC 0.18.0 included": |

"ATrpms": lists some RPM based distributions.

Other operating systems:

| NetBSD | "not included": | | FreeBSD | "OpenSC 0.17. included in the ports collection as of October 2017": | | OpenBSD | not included | | fink / Mac OS X | "not included": |

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