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Wikidata owner only consumer

Lu Liu edited this page Jun 16, 2020 · 4 revisions

For official introduction of owner-only consumers, see

Owner-only consumers are a method to use OAuth for authentication and permission control while avoiding most of the complexity of the OAuth protocol (which is in the grant authorization process).

Here are the steps to register an owner-only consumer and use it in the OpenRefine Wikidata extension.

  1. Visit You need to login to Wikidata first to use that page.
  2. Set "Application name" to any name you like, such as "Foo's owner-only consumer".
  3. Set "Consumer version" to "1.0".
  4. Set the "OAuth protocol version" to "OAuth 1.0a".
  5. Set the "Application description" to any description you like, for example, you can still set it to "Foo's owner-only consumer".
  6. DO check "This consumer is for use only by Foo".
  7. Set "Applicable project" to "" (you can type "wikidatawiki" to find it quickly in the drop-down list).
  8. Check "Request authorization for specific permissions".
  9. For Applicable grants, check "High-volume editing", "Edit existing pages" and "Create, edit, and move pages".
  10. Read the agreement which begins "By submitting this application,..." and click the checkbox next to it to agree to the terms
  11. Click the "Propose consumer" button at the bottom of the page

The final register form should look like this:


After submitting, you will get your owner-only consumer.


Write the credentials down in some safe place for future reference.

That's it, go and try your owner-only consumer in the Wikidata extension login dialog!

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