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Steve Towner edited this page Jan 10, 2024 · 2 revisions

This is an advanced topic. For more general help, refer to the Common Issue page.

In debug mode, the mod will generate a log file for each mule which can be examined with Notepad detailing the operation of the mule, which may help if it appears to be behaving in an unexpected manner.

To turn debug on, use this script to launch the game:

Make sure to edit the last line to be the following, as there is an error in the script above: start "" %X4_EXE_PATH% -showfps -debug all -logfile %LOG_FILE_NAME% -scriptlogfiles %SCRIPT_LOG_FILE_NAME%

Then, when you launch the game, there will be log files created in: Documents\Egosoft\X4\

Mule specific logs will be written here (you may need to create the \logs folder first: Documents\Egosoft\X4\logs\mulesextended

In that second folder will be a file for each mule. After launching with debug on, delete the order and restart it, then locate that file. If requesting support, post the log file with the support request.