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Group Colours

MCSulphate edited this page May 3, 2024 · 1 revision

Group Colours allow you to define permission-based default colours that you can then assign to players via permission groups, through plugins like LuckPerms.

Basic Usage

The easiest way to use group colours is through commands:

View Existing Group Colours

/chatcolor group list

Creating a Group Colour

/chatcolor group add colour-name colour

/chatcolor group add default &7
/chatcolor group add moderator &a&l
/chatcolor group add admin &g[9,b,9,b]

To add or remove custom colours, you need the chatcolor.admin permission.

For more information on valid colour strings, see the Colour Strings page!

Applying a Group Colour to a Player

Each group colour has its associated permission that you must assign to a group to set their group colour. Examples:

When a player's group contains one of these permissions, their default colour will be changed to the colour you've defined.

Note: In order for this feature to work correctly, players must not:

  • Be a server operator (/op)
  • Have the * permission
  • Have the chatcolor.* or* permissions

If you have any of these permissions, the first group colour in the config will be applied to that player as they effectively have all of the group permissions.

Additional Settings (config.yml)

force-group-colors - If set to true, players' colours will be permanently set to their group colour.

Advanced Usage

If you are using a hierarchical rank system on your server, like Helper -> Moderator -> Admin, etc., you will want a defined order to your group colours to ensure that players don't receive the wrong group colour.

Group colours are read from top-to-bottom from the groups.yml, with the first matching permission being applied to the player. So, if you want your Admin group to have priority over the Moderator group and so on, your config should be structured like this:

# Format:
# group-color-name: color

admin: '&g[9,b,9,b]'
moderator: '&a&l'
default: '&7'

You can also add group colours through the config file as seen above. Make sure to run /chatcolor reload whenever you've finished editing a config file!