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Custom Colours

MCSulphate edited this page May 3, 2024 · 2 revisions

Custom colours allow you to create pre-defined preset colours for your players to use. This includes legacy, hex, rainbow, and gradient colours. This page will help you understand how to view, create, remove, and use custom colours on your server.

Basic Usage

The easiest way to use custom colours is through commands:

View Existing Custom Colours

/chatcolor custom list

Creating a Custom Colour

/chatcolor custom add colour-name colour

/chatcolor custom add rainbow &u[a,b,c,d,e]
/chatcolor custom add bold-green &a&l
/chatcolor custom add blue-gradient &g[9,b,9,b]

To add or remove custom colours, you need the chatcolor.admin permission.

For more information on valid colour strings, see the Colour Strings page!

Selecting a Custom Colour

/chatcolor %colour-name

/chatcolor %red-gradient

Note: %red-gradient is one of the built in custom colours.

Giving Permission to use Custom Colours

Each custom colour has its own permission that you must give players to use it. Here are some examples:


If you would like a player to have access to all custom colours, you can use the chatcolor.custom.* permission instead.

Advanced Usage Tips

Config File (custom-colors.yml)

If you are an experienced user, you may find using commands is slower than editing the config file directly. In the ChatColor2 folder on your server, you can edit the custom-colors.yml file to add or remove custom colours without needing to use commands.

You will be able to see some examples in the file already, but here is the format for adding new colours:

custom-colour-name: 'your colour here'
another-colour-name: 'another colour here'

Example config:

bold-green: '&a&l'
bold-red: '&4&l'
red-gradient: '&g[c,4,c]'

Make sure to run /chatcolor reload after modifying any config file!