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Releases: IamNotProgrammer/Star-height

1.7.0 Peek into sky

02 Jul 17:35
Choose a tag to compare

What's new?

-Now user is able to save and delete saved objects with important information.
-When clicked "graph" button additional window with Aladin sky atlas will open so you can look around.
-Some general cleaning of this mess, new layout, fixed some bugs.

What's old?

-Time from/to maximum elevation still isn't accurate.
-There's no option of deleting observatory position without changing files.

Plans for the future:

-Fix bugs
-Add option to delete country
-Save location from last session
-Add ecliptic cords
-Become famous
-For further future improve model for higher accuracy

Everybody hate air

02 Feb 21:00
Choose a tag to compare

What's new?

Now you can choose (or not) parameters for refraction and see how air is lying to us and compare it to how it would look like without atmosphere.
I have no idea how well it's working but it's more or less working on one example that I had.

What's old?

There is bug when program doesn't calculate seconds after maximal elevation. I don't really care to fix it and nobody really cares about this program anyway so why bother (minutes work tho)

Find star and yourself

13 Jan 19:06
Choose a tag to compare

In this version looking for object is now easy, you just require internet connection and name of a object. If you don't know if that object exist program will let you know by closing down.

If you don't know where is your observatory check out list of them by choosing country you're in (your observatory may not be in current version)

1.5.2 Now with GUI

02 May 18:32
Choose a tag to compare

Working GUI with directory that contain data needed to plot height of object.

To install it download Data.tar.gz and Star-height.
Then open terminal,
as a root move Data.tar.gz to /usr/local/ and untar it

sudo mv /path/to/Data.tar.gz /usr/local/ && tar -xvzf /usr/local/Data.tar.gz

then move binary code to /usr/local/bin/ so you can run program from terminal

sudo mv /path/to/Star-height /usr/local/bin/

Creative title

14 Apr 22:09
Choose a tag to compare

First version!!