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Change Policy

Dana Robinson edited this page Jun 6, 2023 · 1 revision

*** DRAFT ***

API and File Format Changes

We strive to maintain forward and backward compatibility in the HDF5 library across releases:

File Format Considerations

  • New versions of the library should be able to open HDF5 files written using an older format
  • Old versions of the library should not crash when encountering new file objects
  • New versions of the library should be able to create and modify HDF5 files using older file formats

API and Breaking Changes

  • We strive to behave according to the principles of semantic versioning
  • Changes to existing API calls or other breaking changes can only go into a new MAJOR release
  • New API calls or other non-breaking changes can be added to a MINOR release
  • We rarely do a patch release, but when we do, those only contain specific bug fixes
  • In HDF5 2.0.0, we will fix the versioning number scheme
  • We attempt to provide backward-compatible API shims when we modify existing API calls
  • Semantics is a part of "the API" and should be maintained with the same care we have for function signatures
  • Buggy behavior is not part of the API and can be fixed/change at any time

Non-API changes

We make no guarantees about maintaining support for non-library things (though we try to minimize disruption):

  • Support for specific platforms or compilers, including language standards
  • Support for build systems and options

Change Communication

When we envision making a change that could impact existing users, we will make our best effort to engage with the community.

We will:

  • Make a sticky post on the HDF Group forum in the HDF5 channel at least one month before making a change
  • Create a discussion issue on GitHub
  • Mention the issue and post in the HDF Group newsletter while the sticky post is up
  • Bring the issue up in the HDF5 Working Group meeting at least once
  • Bring the issue up at at least one Call the Doctor session