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Chaitanya Liz edited this page Apr 13, 2024 · 3 revisions

Tremor-Stabilizing Spoon with MPU6050 and Servo Motor

This project is designed to create a tremor-stabilizing spoon using an MPU6050 sensor and a servo motor. The spoon's position is adjusted to compensate for hand tremors, allowing individuals with essential tremors, Parkinson's disease, or other conditions to eat more easily and independently.

Table of Contents

Hardware Requirements

To build the tremor-stabilizing spoon, you will need the following hardware components:

  1. MPU6050 Sensor: This sensor is used for motion sensing and provides data on the spoon's orientation.

  2. Servo Motor: The servo motor is responsible for adjusting the spoon's position based on the MPU6050's data.

  3. Arduino Nano Board: Any Arduino board with sufficient PWM pins and processing power can be used.

  4. Power Supply: Ensure you have a power supply suitable for your servo motor.

  5. Spoon Attachment: Design a spoon attachment to hold the spoon securely and allow it to be adjusted by the servo motor.

Software Requirements

The software requirements for this project include:

  1. Arduino IDE: You will need the Arduino Integrated Development Environment to upload the code to your Arduino board.

  2. MPU6050 Library: Install the MPU6050 library for Arduino, which provides functions for working with the MPU6050 sensor.

  3. Servo.h Library: The Servo.h library is essential for controlling the servo motor in your setup.

  4. Wire.h Library: The Wire.h library is required for I2C communication with the MPU6050 sensor.


  1. Clone the Repository: Clone this GitHub repository to your local machine or download the source code.

  2. Set Up Hardware: Assemble the hardware components, including the MPU6050 sensor, servo motor, and spoon attachment.

  3. Install Required Libraries: Use the Arduino IDE to install the necessary libraries, including the MPU6050 library.

  4. Upload the Code: Open the Arduino sketch file in the IDE and upload it to your Arduino board.

  5. Power On: Power on the setup and observe how the servo motor adjusts the spoon's position to stabilize it based on MPU6050 sensor data.


Once you have assembled the hardware and uploaded the code, you can use the tremor-stabilizing spoon as follows:

  1. Hold the spoon with your hand.

  2. The MPU6050 sensor will detect hand tremors and provide orientation data.

  3. The servo motor will adjust the spoon's position to compensate for the tremors, allowing you to eat more easily.

  4. You can adjust the stabilization settings by modifying the code as needed.

Circuit Schematic

Description: This schematic diagram illustrates the circuit design of the tremor-stabilizing spoon system, showing the connections between the MPU6050 sensor, servo motor, and other components.


Flow Diagram 1: System Overview

Description: This flow diagram provides an overview of the tremor-stabilizing spoon system.

Flow Diagram 2: Control Algorithm

Description: This flow diagram illustrates the control algorithm used to adjust the servo motor based on MPU6050 sensor data.

Flow Diagram 3: Data Processing

Description: This flow diagram details the data processing steps within the system.