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Parker Hawke edited this page Jul 9, 2020 · 1 revision

In order to fit into your server as best as possible, LockSecurity provides a large set of configuration options changeable by an administrator through the config.yml. This wiki will explain all available options in LockSecurity's configuration file.

Default Configuration File

The below configuration file up to date as of LockSecurity 3.0.0

Metrics: true
PerformUpdateChecks: true

    ModelData: 1
    RecipeYield: 1
    ModelData: 2
  AllowKeyDuplication: true
  AllowKeyMerging: true
  AllowKeyResetting: true

  world: -1
  world_nether: 0
  world_the_end: 0

- 'minecraft:chest'
- 'minecraft:trapped_chest'
- 'minecraft:acacia_trapdoor'
- 'minecraft:acacia_door'
- 'minecraft:acacia_fence_gate'
- 'minecraft:birch_trapdoor'
- 'minecraft:birch_door'
- 'minecraft:birch_fence_gate'
- 'minecraft:dark_oak_trapdoor'
- 'minecraft:dark_oak_door'
- 'minecraft:dark_oak_fence_gate'
- 'minecraft:jungle_trapdoor'
- 'minecraft:jungle_door'
- 'minecraft:jungle_fence_gate'
- 'minecraft:oak_trapdoor'
- 'minecraft:oak_door'
- 'minecraft:oak_fence_gate'
- 'minecraft:spruce_trapdoor'
- 'minecraft:spruce_door'
- 'minecraft:spruce_fence_gate'


LockSecurity anonymously collects metrics with the help of bStats. These types of statistics that are collected may be found at I highly encourage you to keep these statistics enabled as there is minimal impact on your server and it helps dictate the development of LockSecurity, however if you feel uncomfortable with the collection of anonymous statistics from your server, you may optionally disable it. Once again, it is welcomed if this option remains enabled but you are not forced to do so.


Update checks will make an asynchronous query to SpiGet's API and ensure that the working version on your server is up to date. If a new version is available, players with the appropriate permission will be notified in chat every 6 hours identifying the new version number. The /locksecurity command will also display that a new version is available. This has no impact on server performance and keeping this to true is recommended.


An attributed applied to all keys in the world that determine what value should be used in the resource pack. It is seriously advised against changing this value unless you require LockSecurity to be compatible with another plugin using these values. In changing this value, you must know two things:

  • Unsmithed keys that existed on the server before the change may not function as expected
  • The predicate value MUST be changed in the resource pack to the same value in order for the resource pack to work


This integer value dictates the yield of the Unsmithed Key recipe. Must be > 0.


A boolean value whether or not to allow for key duplication in a crafting table


A boolean value whether or not to allow for key merging in a crafting table


A boolean value whether or not to allow for key resetting in a crafting table


An optional list of world names paired with an integer to determine the maximum amount of locks any player may have in the correlating world. If set to -1, an infinite amount of locks is permitted. -1 is the default value and will be applied to any world not listed in this configuration section.


A list of all blocks that players may lock in the world. By default, this includes all chests, doors, trapped doors and fence gates. Theoretically, any type of block may be used here - including those that are not containers nor openable... such as sand, or gravel, or dirt.