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Closed Mar 12, 2024 100% complete

First customer-facing release. This will contain any improvements we deem necessary based on the results of our internal meta-game focused GameJam.

The targets for this milestone are mostly the same as 0.0.0. However, we want full test coverage for all core systems (Request, Notifications and UserSlots).

We'll also want to organize the results of the Game…

First customer-facing release. This will contain any improvements we deem necessary based on the results of our internal meta-game focused GameJam.

The targets for this milestone are mostly the same as 0.0.0. However, we want full test coverage for all core systems (Request, Notifications and UserSlots).

We'll also want to organize the results of the GameJam into an "unsupported Sample Project" so that our initial customers have a working sample to play with and learn about our SDK.

This milestone is closed.

No open issues remain. View closed issues or see open milestones in this repository.