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Writing userspace application using EPD

Wenting Zhang edited this page Mar 25, 2022 · 2 revisions

The i.MX EPDC exposes as an fbdev device with custom ioctl to control the screen operation.

Note, to compile C code that uses EPDC, the mxcfb header file need to be in the compiler search path. This could be done by copying the file from linux-imx tree into the compiler include path (Assuming you have linux-imx in the home directory and using distribution shipped compiler):

sudo cp ~/linux-imx/include/uapi/linux/mxcfb.h /usr/arm-linux-gnueabihf/include/linux

User could refers to the example provided by NXP:

Or this repo also host an image viewer example: Specifically, looking into disp_init and disp_present function.

There are also other open source applications that supports i.MX EPDC, such as KOReader. Note that they probably don't have proper color support for color DES or Eink Kaleido screens.