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Running Linux and Buildroot from USB

Wenting Zhang edited this page Apr 2, 2022 · 2 revisions

Normally, the system boots from SD card. However during development, it might be desirable to load a minimum system over USB to run in the RAM. Here are the steps of doing so.

First, follow the steps in the building uboot/ linux page to build the linux kernel.

Clone the upstream buildroot to a local folder. Use menu config to configure the system to use armv7 target, and make sure to pack the output filesystem to an cpio initrd image for uboot.

Use U-Boot in Flash

Powering up the board. You should be able to see U-Boot counting down during boot. Press any key to stop U-Boot from auto-booting.

Use command fastboot 0 to enter USB boot mode.

Use the following uuu script to load the system over USB:

uuu_version 1.2.135

FB: ucmd setenv fastboot_buffer 0x80800000
FB: download -f ../linux-imx/arch/arm/boot/zImage
FB: ucmd setenv fastboot_buffer 0x83000000
FB: download -f ../linux-imx/arch/arm/boot/dts/imx6ull-nekoink.dtb
FB: ucmd setenv fastboot_buffer 0x86800000
FB: download -f ../buildroot-2021.02.2/output/images/rootfs.cpio.uboot
FB: ucmd setenv bootargs epdc video=mxcepdcfb:GDEW101C01,bpp=8
FB: ucmd bootz 0x80800000 0x86800000 0x83000000
FB: done

Use recovery mode

If your board doesn't have U-Boot in the flash, it's also possible to use the recovery mode to load and run U-Boot in RAM over USB.

Follow the steps in building uboot/ linux page to build the u-boot.

Press and hold the recovery button, connect the USB cable. The PC should detect the board.

Use the following uuu script to load the system over USB:

uuu_version 1.2.135

SDP: boot -f u-boot-with-spl.imx
SDPV: write -f u-boot-with-spl.imx -addr 0x877eefc0
SDPV: jump -ivt -addr 0x877fffc0
FB: ucmd setenv fastboot_buffer 0x80800000
FB: download -f ../linux-imx/arch/arm/boot/zImage
FB: ucmd setenv fastboot_buffer 0x83000000
FB: download -f ../linux-imx/arch/arm/boot/dts/imx6ull-nekoink.dtb
FB: ucmd setenv fastboot_buffer 0x86800000
FB: download -f ../buildroot-2021.02.2/output/images/rootfs.cpio.uboot
FB: ucmd setenv bootargs epdc video=mxcepdcfb:GDEW101C01,bpp=8
FB: ucmd bootz 0x80800000 0x86800000 0x83000000
FB: done