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Alejandro M. Medrano Gil edited this page Jun 3, 2015 · 2 revisions

Ontology for Health User sub Profile.




Treatment is the main concept in the ontology, and it is defined as the set of activities that an assisted person is recommended to do. These tasks are prescribed by his/her caregiver. The properties of a treatment are:
  • Name: to identify the treatment
  • Completeness: informs about the percentage of the treatment that has been accomplished.
  • Status: shows the current status of the treatment, attending to time characteristics. There are four different states:
    • planned (the treatment has been set, but the start date hasn't arrived yet).
    • actived (the start date has been reached).
    • finished (when the end date has passed)
    • cancelled (when the caregiver decides to end the treatment, whatever the reason is, independently from time settings.
  • MotivationalStatus: this parameter shows the predisposition of the assisted person to perform the treatment. The assisted person is in "precontemplation" if he/she doesn't agree to follow the treatment. On the other hand "contemplation" is the status where the assisted person compromises to perform the treatment. "Action" is reached if the assisted person perform the tasks and gets to "maintenance" if the 85% of the commanded activities are done.
  • Description: adds more information about the treatment.
  • Illness: every treatment is prescribed taking into account a specific illness. Ontological representation of any illness.
  • Performed session: a treatment can have none, one or more performed sessions.

Examples of treatments are: "TakeMeasurementActivity" which involves the measurement taking activity (e.g. "Measure your weight once a day") or PhysicalActivity, that is a kind of "HealthyHabitsAdoption". Every treatment may have a caregiver in charge.

This property indicates if the treatment needs the assisted person to take herself/himself any measurements, such as the blood pressure. This parameter is optional because a treatment doesn't have to be measured by signals (e.g. "Quit smocking"). Some parameters that can be measured are: weight, heart rate or blood pressure. A measurement requirement can have (is optional) a stablished maximun or minimun value allowed.
Every treatment should be scheduled. This means that a start date must be specified (if not, the system will take the treatment creation date). If there's not "end date" specified, that means that the treatment validity is from now on. Description can be used to describe how the sessions will be. The planning of a treatment may have planned sessions, which are the moments where the assisted person should perform whatever has been recommended to her/him. If done, a performed session will be created and related to a specific planned session. A planned session has a date in which the task will be done, the start date, the duration and a performed variable which will be the related performed session. Recurrence indicates the frequency of the treatment activity (every Monday, every two days, once a month...).
Shows who have access to the treatment (assisted person, caregiver, relatives...) and the actions they can carry on (edit the treatment, show the treatment...).
HealthProfile :Ontological representation of the health profile of a person. HealthProfile is a Subprofile from Profile