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Version 0.11.0 for LiteLoader 1.8.0 (MCP 910)

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@totemo totemo released this 11 Aug 09:40
· 12 commits to master since this release

This release of Watson is for the latest development builds of LiteLoader 1.8.0, using MCP 910.

The release addresses a bug and three issues:

  • Billboards for ore deposit labels were being drawn with an opaque background. If the background colour is set with a transparent alpha value, the label will now be drawn correctly again.
  • #43 - Ore deposits can now be numbered in strict chronological order, rather than grouping them by type. Use: "/w config time_ordered_deposits on".
  • #27 - Watson now understands dates in the following formats: yyyy-MM-dd (ISO 8601), yy-MM-dd, and MM-dd (the LogBlock default).
  • #11 - The default minimum length of vectors for them to be visible can be set once in the configuration, rather than only being able to be set transiently with "/w vector length <number>". Use: "/w config vector_length <number>".

If Watson is configured to change the output format of LogBlock query results, then you will also notice that the format of "/lb kills" results has changed slightly.

Changes in this release are described here.


Installation procedure:

  1. If you require Minecraft Forge/FML support, then download the recommended Installer from and run that first. I have not tested with Forge at this stage.
  2. Download the LiteLoader 1.8.0 pre-release installer from the LiteLoader Jenkins build server and run it. If you have already installed Forge, then choose your Forge profile in the "Extend from" drop down list (probably something like 1.8-Forge11.14.1.1419). The LiteLoader installer will create a profile in your Minecraft launcher, typically called "LiteLoader 1.8".
  3. Make a .minecraft/mods/1.8/ folder, where .minecraft/ is your Minecraft installation folder.
  4. Download the Watson .litemod file (the first download link, below) and put it in .minecraft/mods/1.8/.
  5. If you're installing Optifine, then download the JAR file and put that in .minecraft/mods/1.8/ as well. This release of Watson has been tested with OptiFine 1.8.0 HD U D5.
  • The Macro/Keybind mod has not yet updated for 1.8, so there is no Watson integration with that mod at this time.

Note that:

  • Watson will not work if you put it in .minecraft/mods/. It must be in the .minecraft/mods/1.8/ folder in order for certain LiteLoader features to work correctly.
  • Regardless of whether you have installed Minecraft Forge or not, run the LiteLoader 1.8 profile in the Minecraft launcher.