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Test Lint Check

GitHub Action edited this page Feb 13, 2021 · 2 revisions

The documentation for running tests, lints, and checks assumes that dependencies have been installed in a local environment outside of the development container. See the Repo Setup page for details. Tests and type checks can be run either in the development container or in your local environment. Lints are recommended to be run in your local environment since Vagrant will not sync fixes done automatically by the linter (the --fix option) in the container back out to your local environment.



Python tests are run using pytest. You can specify a single file to test, or a directory to run all downstream tests (test_*.py files) for. The --relevant flag can be used to only test modified codepaths.

# Run all tests in src/ folder
> pytest src/

# Run only tests for downstream code changes in the src/ folder
> pytest src/ --relevant


Python linting is a two-step process - running black and flake8. Run them together with the script. Using the --fix flag will automatically reformat code that doesn't meet the style guide requirements.

# Check for linter errors
> ./ops/

# Fixing linter errors automatically
> ./ops/ --fix

Type Checker

The Blue Alliance's Python codebases enforces the use of type hints using pyre.

> ./ops/

By default, pyre will attempt to spin up watchman to speed up subsequent pyre runs. This behavior can be avoided by using pyre check.

> pyre check

Generating Type Checker Stubs

The stubs/ folder contains type hint stubs for third-party dependencies that do not natively contain type hints. These type hints are necessary for pyre (our type checker) to run successfully.

Before generating stubs, check to see if type hints are exposed for a library via it's site-packages directory by adding the library in question to the pyre search paths in our .pyre_configuration. This is a preferred solution to generating stubs. If the typecheck run still fails, generating stubs is an appropriate solution.

In order to generate stubs for a third-party library, run stubgen for the third-party package. For For example, to generate stubs for the library -

$ stubgen -p -o stubs/

Patching Type Checker Stubs

stubgen stubs our type checker but doesn’t add proper types. Manual edits to the type checking stubs can be made. Any edits should be checked in to source control as a patch file so they may be re-applied easily if dependencies are updated and stubs need to be re-generated. mypy must be installed for stubgen

$ pip install mypy

To create a patch file, first make changes to the stubs and then save the differences to a patch file.

$ git diff > stubs/patch/{module}.patch

Changes can then be applied via git patch. After generating new stubs for a library, be sure to apply all existing patches.

$ git apply stubs/patch/*.patch



Node tests are run using Jest.

> ./ops/


Node linting runs using ESLint. Run using the ops/ script. Using the --fix flag will automatically reformat code that doesn't meet the style guide requirements.

# Check for linter errors
> ./ops/
# Fixing linter errors automatically
> ./ops/ --fix



Formatting bash requires shfmt to be install on the local system. Run using the ops/ script. Using the --fix flag will automatically reformat code that doesn't meet the style.

# Check for errors
> ./
# Fix formatting errors automatically
> ./ --fix