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Current User

GitHub Action edited this page Oct 2, 2021 · 2 revisions

The currently logged in user can be obtained via the current_user method and returns a User object. The current_user method will inspect the encrypted session object stored in cookies and verify the session object is still valid. The User object is a wrapper around fetching an Account + related models for a given Firebase session object.

The current_user method should NOT be used in services that cannot be accessed via a browser where a session cookie will not be available. The currently authenticated user should be fetched in a different way, being careful to ensure proper ownership.

from backend.common.auth import current_user

def route() -> str:
    user = current_user()
    if user:
      # User is logged in!
      # User is not signed in, or user's session has expired

Firebase Auth Emulator

By default, the development container will run using the Firebase auth emulator (generally available at localhost:4000/auth. If you're using a google_application_credentials key locally and would like to hit an upstream Firebase project for authentication, set the auth_use_prod option in tba_dev_config.json to true.

By default, the Firebase auth emulator should come with two accounts - an admin account, and a non-admin (user) account. These accounts should be inserted after starting the development container. If they fail to create, need to be re-created, or the emulator is running in a different context, the accounts can be re-created by running the script.

$ python ops/dev/vagrant/ --project=your-project-id