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Tim Vaughan edited this page Apr 15, 2021 · 3 revisions

The <population> element (or other elements with the spec="Population" attribute set) specify a particular population within MASTER. The element contains the following attributes:

    <population spec='Population'
                location='INTEGER [INTEGER [ ... ] ]'

If the element is being used to specify an unstructured population in the <model> element, the populationName attribute is needed to specify a unique name for that population. As for population type names, this name must be a string beginning with a non-number, containing only letters and numbers and without any spaces. In this case the locationInput and type attributes are unnecessary.

If the element is being used to specify a particular population of a chosen type, populationName can be omitted. The location of the population within the population type array is specified by the location attribute, and the type itself is specified using the type attribute by setting its value to an "@" followed by the BEAST id of the element specifying this type.