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Francesco Bonazzi edited this page Jun 10, 2020 · 2 revisions

Parsing Guide

Parsing Rules

rubi is originally written and tested on Mathematica. All code and tests in Mathematica format is publicly available on its website.

The rubi code is parsed into sympy format in 2 steps:

Step 1

First the downvalues of rules are generated.

  • First download the rubi folder from rubi's site and open rubi.nb(name may vary from version to version).

  • Now run the following mathematica's code to generate the DownValues

LoadRules[filename_String] :=
  object=PrintTemporary["Loading "<>filename<>".m..."];

inputFiles = {"9.1 Integrand simplification rules", "1.1 Linear products", "1.2 Quadratic products", "1.3 Binomial products", 
"1.4 Trinomial products", "1.5 Miscellaneous algebraic functions", "9.3 Piecewise linear functions", "2 Exponentials",
"3 Logarithms", "4.1 Sine", "4.2 Tangent", "4.3 Secant", "4.4 Miscellaneous trig functions", "5 Inverse trig functions",
"6 Hyperbolic functions", "7 Inverse hyperbolic functions", "8 Special functions", "9.4 Miscellaneous integration rules"}

outputFiles = {"Integrand_simplification.txt", "Linear_products.txt", "Quadratic_products.txt", "Binomial_products.txt",
"Trinomial_products.txt", "Miscellaneous_algebra.txt", "Piecewise_linear.txt", "Exponentials.txt", "Logarithms.txt",
"Sine.txt", "Tangent.txt", "Secant.txt", "Miscellaneous_trig.txt", "Inverse_trig.txt", "Hyperbolic.txt",
"Inverse_hyperbolic.txt", "Special_functions.txt", "Miscellaneous_integration.txt"}

ShowSteps = False
LoadRules["ShowStep routines"];
LoadRules["Integration utility functions"];

For[i = 1, i < 19, i++, Clear[Int]; Int::usage="Int [expn, var]"; LoadRules[inputFiles[[i]]];
Unprotect[Sinc]; Sinc[u_] := Sin[u]/u; Protect[Sinc];
FixIntRules[]; Export[outputFiles[[i]], ToString@FullForm@DownValues@Int];

(Note that you can change the items in inputFiles according to the files present in rubi). Now there are new files as in outputFiles containing the DownValues.

You should get something similar to this output

Step 2

Second step is to generate sympy code from DownValues. For this there is a function written in Run the following code in python terminal:

>>> from sympy.integrals.rubi.parsetools.generate_rules import generate_rules_from_downvalues
>>> generate_rules_from_downvalues()

You can find the parsed rules. Also a file containing all constraints.

(Note : Be careful with the name of files. The output files name from step1 is exactly same as input files name in step2)

Alternative: generate the decision tree

You can have a look at the generated decision tree if you are aiming to generate a huge nesting of if-statements from the decision rules.

NOTE: this part is experimental.

Parsing Tests

rubi contains a large set of test cases in mathematica format. Those need to be parsed in sympy format for testing. This is done in two steps.


In first step, we need to get the FullForm of tests.

  • Download test files from official rubi website in mathematica format.

  • Open a mathematica notebook and run the following mathematica code.(Here, we are assuming the name of downloaded test file to be testMath.m. This needs to be changed as per the situation.)

stream = OpenWrite["test_1.m"];
WriteString[stream, Import["testMath.m", "HeldExpressions"] // FullForm];

The above code writes FullForm of test cases in test_1.m

Step 2

Next, we need to parse test_1.m in sympy format. Open a python terminal and run the following code:

>>> from sympy.integrals.rubi.parsetools.generate_tests import generate_test_file
>>> generate_test_file()

The above code writes tests in sympy format in File names in generate_tests should be changed as per the situation.

Note: Current test suite in sympy is not all parsed through these above steps. But it works well and is tested for special_functions. test_error_functions in has been parsed through the above steps.


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