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Krastanov edited this page Nov 5, 2012 · 4 revisions

Here is a list of some of the mentors for Google Code-In. The preferred communication is through our mailing list or IRC channel (#sympy on freenode). Specific mentors may be busy at various time throughout the program, so the best way is to contact the entire community. This is also more aligned with the way that open source development works.

Aaron Meurer

Aaron Meurer

GitHub account:


IRC Nick: asmeurer

Bio: Aaron Meurer is a bachelors student studying mathematics at New Mexico Tech in Socorro, New Mexico. He started working with SymPy under Google Summer of Code in 2009, and in 2011, he became the lead developer of SymPy.

Ondřej Čertík

Ondřej Čertík

GitHub account:


IRC Nick: ondrej


Bio: Ondřej is a PhD student at University of Nevada, Reno. He started SymPy in 2006, and passed the leadership to Aaron in 2011. He is still involved with SymPy, helping with Google Summer of Code and other administrative tasks. His research is in atomic structure calculations and he uses Python and SymPy almost daily. Besides that, his research is done mainly in (modern) Fortran and C/C++.

Stefan Krastanov

GitHub account:


Bio: Stefan is a MSc physics student at École Normale Supérieure de Lyon currently on exchange at ETH Zurich. He has contributions to the physics module and plotting. During GSoC 2012 he worked as a student on the differential geometry module. He will be mentoring mainly the plotting related tasks.

Vladimir Perić

GitHub account:

Email: vlada.peric AT gmail

IRC Nick: vperic

Bio: Vladimir is a Bc student of Open Informatics at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague. He worked on making SymPy Python 3 compatible, as part of GSoC 2011. He is interested in the infrastructure surrounding the project, particularly the testing framework, and in outreach and popularizing SymPy. He will also mentor translations to Serbian.

Matthew Rocklin

Matthew Rocklin

GitHub account:


Bio: Matthew is a PhD student at the University of Chicago. He is interested in scientific computing, particularly simulating systems that contain uncertainty like weather forecasting. In SymPy he is engaged in the statistics, sets, and linear algebra modules.

Chris Smith

Chris Smith

GitHub account:


IRC Nick: smichr

Bio: Chris is interested in solving and simplifying equations but has been involved with many of SymPy's modules.

Sean Vig

GitHub account:


IRC Nick: svig

Bio: Sean is a physics PhD student at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He began working with SymPy as a part of Google Summer of Code 2011, implementing symbolic angular momentum algebra. His primary contributions continues to be in the physics module.


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