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Compiling installers

Nick Bolton edited this page Jan 10, 2022 · 1 revision



Before you begin, you need to have successfully built Synergy as described on in Compiling. You will also need:

  1. The Wix toolchain and the plugin for your version of Visual Studio.
  2. C++ Redistributable Merge Modules (MSMs). These may have been installed with Visual Studio. If you get an error that the system can't find file Microsoft_VC142_CRT_x86.msm, you're missing these. To install, run the Visual Studio Installer, click the button to modify an existing installation, navigate to the 'Individual Components' tab, and check the box for C++ 2019 Redistributable MSMs.

Note: If you installed QT5 via vcpkg, you will also need to install the Angle library (vcpkg install angle). If you installed QT from the QT website, it was included in the installation.

Building Using MSBuild

From a developer console (or after running call "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvarsall.bat"), run: msbuild /p:Configuration=Debug or msbuild /p:Configuration=Release from the build/installer folder, depending on your settings during compilation.

If the build is successful, it will generate bin/Debug/Synergy.msi or bin/Release/Synergy.msi in the installer folder.

Using Wix Manually

While MSBuild is likely easier, you can also build the MSI manually, using the Wix toolchain:

'C:\Program Files (x86)\WiX Toolset v3.11\bin\candle.exe' .\Product.wxs -dConfiguration=Debug -dPlatform=x86 -ext WixUtilExtension -ext WixUIExtension -ext WixFirewallExtension

'C:\Program Files (x86)\WiX Toolset v3.11\bin\light.exe' .\Product.wixobj -ext WixUtilExtension -ext WixUIExtension -ext WixFirewallExtension

Adjust -dConfiguration and -dPlatform to match your configuration (Debug or Release) and your architecture (x86 or x64) chosen during compilation.

Debugging Build Failures

CMake generates the file build/installer/Include.wsi, and populates it with file locations set during CMake generation. If your build fails with file path errors, you may need to modify the file paths in Include.wsi if they were not correctly set by CMake.

Additionally, if you are using Visual Studio Enterprise, you may need to modify the paths to MSMs in Product.wxs - see this issue for details.